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"Well, what is everyone's personal thoughts on the matter?" Arthur asked as he swept his bright green eyes to look at everyone at the round table.
"I think he's ready!" Feliciano raised his hand high in the air. "He's good, and smart, and harworking, and-"
"Does anyone else think Feliciano's vote is a bit biast?" Yoa called from across the table. "We are talking about his brother, aru?"
"Yoa makes a good point." Alfred agreed. "Should Feliciano be allowed to vote due to the ties he has to the nation of topic?"
"Feliciano is part of this counsel too and thus has the right to vote with us despite the topic." Kiku said.
"I agree." Roderick stated. "I trust that Feliciano can put his feelings aside for the better of the school."
"And the nation isn't just Feli's brother." Ludwig called out. "He's also his territory and city. If the school is really here to better the nations, this could give Feli's brother the first step to becoming reconise as an actual country."
"Well while voting," Yoa cut in again. "I think you should remember that this is a school for countries and he is not a country."
"That's not true!"
Everyone turned to Feliciano. He still possesed his usual smile but add a more serious look to it, probably due to the fact that his bright amber eyes had been open for the first time some oh the nations could remember.
"Its not true." Feliciano repeated. "Not true at all!"
"Are you agreeing that your brother is a country?" Ivan asked.
Feliciano giggled at the thought. "Oh heaven's no. My little brother is just a city and that is all no matter how much I love him."
"Then what's not true?"
"Oh, right. That this is a school for countries!" Feliciano smiled. "This school is for nations! Built for nations so that they could go to school like humans do but with their own kind And no matter how much some of us deny the fact the MicroNations are still nations too. Thus making them all legible for the academy."
There were nods around the table along with mumbling.
"Are there any other thoughts on the matter?" Arthur asked.
No one spoke up.
"Alright just like every other voting, write your vote on the paper do not write you name on it, then turn it into me." Arthur said with a sigh and sat in his chair to look over the aplication for Sunny Vargas.

" Arthur said with a sigh and sat in his chair to look over the aplication for Sunny Vargas

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