Chapter 2

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I love my mother, I truly do, but sometimes she can be--
"Alfie! Aaaaaalfie!!" I winced as I heard my mother's drunk voice pierce my eardrums. I let out a breath and smiled painfully. "I'm coming, Mother. What is it?" I walked over to her and leaned down toward her face. She smelt of liquor and smoke.
"Your butler is pretty cute, huh~?" She purred, leaning into my ear. "He's got a cute face and an ever cuter bu--"
I clasped my hand over her mouthed before she could finish, starting to blush. "Mother! Please..." I stole a glance at Kiku from against the room, seeing that he was busy bossing around servants. I silently hoped he would come save me from my mother.
"Alfie! I'm sleepy! Where am I sleeping tonight?" Mother began to stand, wobbling a bit. I grabbed her hand and started to escort her toward the doors. Kiku appeared out of almost nowhere and took her hand from me, giving me a small nod. "Let me handle this, sir. It's my duty."
I nodded back, acknowledging him. "Make sure she is comfortable. If she needs anything, you will bring it."
Kiku gave a small bow. "As you wish," he smiled. I watched as Kiku led my drunk mother up the stairs, out of sight. I took a seat at the dining table and covered my face, feeling a blush sweep over it. I couldn't help it... Kiku was just so cute. My mother was right about his face... And his butt-- No! Alfred, stop! That's not appropriate.
I ran my hands down my face and looked up to see a servant staring at me. "Yes...?" I asked, raising a brow.
"N-nothing, sir, just checking on you..." He slowly backed away, giving me a nervous now before hurrying off.
I sat back in the ornate chair and looked up at the ceiling. My mind felt clouded, and I felt exhausted. I shut my eyes, letting my body slump in the chair. My mind started to wander, and I felt sleep creeping up on me.
A hand touched my shoulder and I jumped, sitting up. I turned to see the same servant as before, staring at me once more.
"What do you want? You scared me," I said, letting out a breath.
The servant didn't reply, and instead grabbed my shoulder harshly.
I tried to escape his grip, but he kept a firm hand on me. I started to protest when he pulled a knife from behind his back. My eyes instantly flicked to the sharp blade in his hand, biting my lip to stop a scared expression from reaching my face.
"I know all about you. You're unclean. It's a sin." He raised the blade. "Someone has to stop the spread of the illness."
"What are you talking about?" I tried to stop my voice from quivering, but it was no use. "I'm not ill."
"You're a sinner," he spat at me. He brought the blade down, digging it into my shoulder.
I let out a grunt, trying to be quiet. I started to fight back, grabbing the servants collar and throwing him away.
As he fell, the knife slid further into my shoulder, causing me to let out a cry. I reached up and pulled the blade out, squeezing my eyes shut.
The servant stood up and came at me. I held the knife out, and he ran into it. I heard him gasp and grab his stomach. "Wh--" he started to speak, and I pushed the blade in further.
"Shut up." He stared at me, gasping softly. I pushed him off the knife and he fell to the ground with a thud. I knelt down and finished him off, my arm screaming at me.
I heard footsteps come toward the room and I sat down on the floor, staring at the door. Kiku threw open the doors and surveyed the scene. "Alfred-san," he said. "What happened here?" His voice was calm as he shut the doors behind him.
     "I was attacked. You needn't know anything else." I let go of the knife, listening to the clatter of the weapon on the wooden floor. "Dispose of the body. Tell no one, including my mother."
     Kiku bowed deeply. "As you wish." He moved swiftly, picking up the servant smoothly. He left the room, leaving me on the ground. After I knew he was a ways away, I let out a groan. I didn't want to look at my shoulder; it felt terrible.
     My mind was processing the pain, and the idea arose in my head that I could be in trouble now. My duel was close, and if I lost...
     No, not now. Go clean up and get to bed. I started to stand, feeling the blood rush to my head. I felt nauseous instantly, and hacked. My vision suddenly gave out and I fell back to the floor, my head colliding hard. I blacked out, silently praying Kiku could fix this whole mess.
(( hi again! Sorry if this is terrible too. I just feel so bad about not updating in like a year so I'm kinda pulling these out of my ass.
I'm also distracted by the "Book of Mormon" soundtrack. Feedback is helpful, even if you just say "I love it!"
Thank you all!!))

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