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Audrey's p.o.v

Hello! I'm Audrey. Audrey Gram. (Picture above). I have blonde hair with a few highlights and brown, greenish eyes which I suppose is classified as hazel.

I was at such a great point in my life. I had a bunch of friends, did well in school and had a boyfriend, his name was Luke.

I guess you could say I was part of the popular group at school.

But all that came crashing down about a week ago. I was layimg down on my bed watching Netflix and my mom and dad tell me im moving houses and moving schools.

My immediate reaction was "WHAT!" , I was heart broken. I'd have to make all new friends.

I was moving an hour away. My boyfriend said we would make it work and my friends said we would see each other all the time. Lets hope that stays true.

So currently I'm on my way to my brand new house.

We arrived and the house was really nice. It was a pretty decent size. After all it's only me, my mom, my dad and my dog, Bella.

The movers brought my bed up to my room and then proceeded to bring all of the card board boxes in.

I spent that whole day unpacking and decorating my room. I was finally done. I just decided to shower and get ready for bed.

I quickly went downstairs and ate a bowl of cereal and went back upstairs.

I got into my bed and went on my phone until I got tired. Then my dog hoped up on my bed and we went to sleep.

Tomorrow is the day before school starts. That made me really nervous. 

Hoped you guys enjoyed the first chapter! It's really short because it's just an intro expect much longer ones in the future! Thanks for reading! ✨✨

Bullied by Hunter Rowland Where stories live. Discover now