Chapter 14

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Audrey's p.o.v

I've been working with Hunter a lot lately. I already missed a lot of this class and I really wasn't down into failing this class.

& no. I wasn't down to be with Hunter either. Well I mean. Maybe if. No. Audrey. What's going on with you lately. I still can't believe he said all those things to me. It was weird cause I've never seen someone abuse someone that they like but I played it off.

If you're wondering Hunter hasn't even touched me once. Which was good.

He's a sweet kid. When he wants to be. Im so conflicted with myself man. Like ugh.

I was thinking of this all while gluing stuff on the project.

My thoughts were interpreted when Hunter said "Pass me the glue?"

"Huh" I said regaining focus. "The glue?" He asked again.

"Oh uh ya here you go" I said.

"Haha everything ok?" He asked while gluing something down.

"Oh ya just got tons on my mind ya know" I said and chuckled.

"Oh yeah trust me" he said.

"When your birthday" He asked my out of the blue.

"April 1, 2001, so I'm a living joke literally" I said and he laughed.

"So you'll be driving soon" he said. "But I'll be driving first" he added.

(Okay I know this isn't hunters real birthday ok! Just to give the story more story line! Thx!)

"Oh yeah when's your birthday" I asked.

"In two weeks" he said.

"So your born, uhhh January 8?" I asked not knowing.

"Correct" he said.

"Omg omg the winter formal is coming up soon I totally forgot about that" I said coloring a piece of paper.

"Oh uh ya it is" he said all gloomy.

"Why the sad face" I asked focusing on work.

"Don't know who to go with" he said.

Shit. Who am I going with.

Hunters eyes lit up.

"Here let's make a deal" he said.

"Lmao lets not" I said.

"Oh" he said.

"Oh um I'm kidding"  I said.

"If we both don't find dates you gotta go with me" he said.

"Yea no. Let's not make that deal" I said and laughed.

"Whatever" he said in a grumpy tone.

"Don't be grumpy" I said.

"Let's just finish the project" he said.

Oh great he's upset now.

"Wow we actually did a pretty good job" I said looking at our finished project." I said smiling.

Hunters p.o.v

Yea I was so embarrassed for saying that. It was stupid. But Audrey being Audrey still hates me. I know she'll never get over this and hold the grudge for 4839922 years.

She didn't even take it as a a joke even. She was dead serious. I was sorta I don't know upset you could say.

"Well my mom wants me home for dinner so I'll catch you later" she said.

"Mhm yep" I said.

"Byeee" she said grabbing her things.

Well now it was just me at my house a lone. PI decided I would just go on Instagram and scroll through it. p

I actually never checked it Audrey had an Instagram. So I searched up;

And lucky enough there her Instagram was. She had 800 followers so I decided to request her.

She accepted and I looked through her photos.

She had s really fun ig. she did have some selfies and they were obviously pretty.

Ugh I have to actually stop liking her. She doesn't like me. So I have to get over her. But what if she does like me. And she's just not showing it.

Nah. That's not true.

Audrey's p.o.v

I think I may like Hunter. Actually. Wait no I don't. That's crazy.

But. UGH. I'm so sick of this. I feel like pulling out my hair. I didn't know. If I liked him or If I didn't.

But. He abused me. How could I. I would demean myself.

If Hunter really likes me. He'll show it. Right? But he did show it.

I kinda wanted to make that deal with him. Cause all my friends that are guys have dates. Well expect for Ethan. I mean Grayson got all the girls. Haha. Ethan was like one of my best friends. And so was Grayson. All of my group of friends were like my best friends.

I'm over thinking to much. I got a lot on my mind. A lot.

I wonder what Blake was doing. I wonder if he's ok. Guess I'll never know since ya know he's not my friend. And that made me really sad actually. Like Blake was my best friend. And now he's gone. I started to cry.

What was wrong with me. Why am I thinking to much.

I got a ring on my doorbell. Oh great who could it be.

It was Hunter. Like my thoughts didn't burden me enough With him.

"Oh hey" I said sounding absent minded.

"Uhm you left your sweater at my house, just thought you would want it, were you crying?" He asked.

"Oh um no no I'm good" I said.

Uh I'm so embarrassed why would I cry over Blake. He's probably not crying over me.

"Oh well here's your sweater ill see you" he said walking down my porch steps.

This may be wrong. But in the moment I didn't think.

"Wait Hunter can I have a hug" I said.

He looked at me and grinned.

"I mean I guess so" he said.


WOW. but don't get fooled Audrey didn't admit her feelings for Hunter. And hugs don't mean a whole lot. So don't get your hopes up for anything (yet ;))) THANKS FOR READING!

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