35.) Guess that answer (Racial game show)

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Ahh, heard this on the radio...

It's a racial game show, were a African American person competes against a caucasian person....


Think of it as a stereotype Or think of it as something funny or corney! Whatever.


Host: "Helloooo and welcomeeeee to Americas favorite Television Game show!"


Host: "where two different people of a different race compete for that Monnaayy! I am your host Brian Bedfordddd! And your Judges will be....

Asap Rocky!

Audience: *Claps*

Host: "Rhianna!"

Audience: *Claps louder* "Wooooooo!"

Host: "And Nicki Min-"

Audience: *Claps even louder* "Woooooooo! Nickkkiiii!"

Host: "Here are your contestants.... Quatah'Nique Jones..... From.... East Cleveland Ohio or Euclid Ohio... Or is it... I don't know! One of those Niggerly ratchet cities in Ohio.

Quatah'Nique do you have any shout outs?"

Quatah'Nique: "Yeeah... I would like to thank my mom.. My..."

Host: "Okay that's enough.... Our second contestants name is Brittany Lane, from... New York or Atlanta or or uh.... Crap... I really don't know! One of those white people states.

Would you like to give any shoutouts? ..... Too bad, nobody cares about your family! Okay first up is Brittany Lane cause she's white..."

Rihanna: "Wait! You can't just make her go first because she's white!"

Host: "it's only fair!"

Nicki: "fr-"

Host: "Okkaaay! Brittany, here's how you play. We give you three answers and you figure out the question, each question is worth 100 points.

Answer: Bon'queetah, keke, and Ray Ray."

Brittany: " Uhh, uh the question is, what is the worst Nigger name?"

*Buzzer goes off*

Host: "Sorry white girl.. Wrong answer!

Quatah'Nique has the chance to steel!"

Quatah'Nique: "uh.. Sorry i don't know!"

*Buzzer goes off*

Host: "Ohhhhhh! Sorry, the correct answer is, What are some ghetto names for black kids.

Britney, ready for Answer two? Okay!

Answer 2: I just shot a man down... Ohh nana, what's my name?, please don't stop the music...

Britney: "Uh What are some black songs?"

*Buzzer goes off*

Host: "Aw close!"


Quatah'Nique: "What are some songs by Rhianna?"

*Ding Ding Ding*

Rhianna: "Ayyyyyyeee!"

Asap Rocky: "Turn upp!"

Host: "Quatah'Nique: 100 pts. Brittany: 000.

Final Answer!: Nicki Minaj, Big sean and Ludacris.

Brittany: "What are three features from Justin Bieber Believe Album?"

*Ding Ding Ding*

Host: "Correctttt! But how did you get that?

Ohhhhh! Seems like we have a ty! The contestants are tied with 100 pts. This is were our judges kick in, they'll be the ty breaker!


Asap Rocky: "I'm gonna have to vote for Britney.... Because we have so much in common! She's pretty and we all know i be that pretty mutha (*Bleep*)."

Nicki Minaj: "What did you need us for? You ask three questions and be over with the show? This is some stupid (*Bleep*)."

Rihanna: "Just let both of them win!"

Audience: *Claps* "Woooooo!"

Britney: "Yaaay!!"

Quatah'Nique: "So what's our prize?"

Host: "Uh prize?!...... And that's all the time we have today folks...

*Music closes the show as the audience dances*


A/N: so what did u think? Lol i was bored! Comment!

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