Chapter 14

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JulieAnna POV

I was at the band's house just sitting around. I'm surprised Ryan asked me to go on tour with him I thought to myself. Next thing I know I hear a loud boom coming from the stairs. Balz ran past me with a........can of hairspray?? I look back at the stairs and see Angelo had fell and slid down the stairs. I shook my head. Ghost was sitting beside me and started to die of laughter. "What's going on" i asked. "SON OF A BITCH STOLE MY HAIRSPRAY" Angelo yelled. I started laughing along with Ghost.
The rest of the day was spent rushing around to get stuff ready for tour and eating chicken wings. Tomorrow is where the interesting things begin. Tomorrow when tour begins....

(Sorry just a short short filler for now. I've started back school so things are kinda hectic and I've had writers block)

(Song (guns for hands by twenty øne piløts)

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