Chapter 18: Rash Decision

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Now as Justin arrived at the Card Shack, he was surprised to find that it wasn't nearly as busy as he expected it to be. There were a few small crowds in the lobby while the others were either seated at the bar or already waiting around in the game room. Justin tugged down on the brim of his cap to better hide his face in order to make it easier to spy on Maxwell and find out what the con artist was up to this time. But in order to avoid suspicion he decided he'd have a few drinks and mingle with the crowd a bit in attempt to blend in.

As Justin walked up to the bar counter and ordered a drink he could see that the young bartender was very exhausted and also low in spirits. Usually he greeted everyone with a friendly smile even if he was just pretending, but as of now his mouth was set in a straight line as he served Justin his drink.

"Rough night I take it?" Justin asked.

"Slow is more like it," Enrique answered glumly. "I really need a break but my boss won't allow it."

"Nonsense, Justin remarked. "I don't see him in here, do you? So go ahead and take a load off. Have yourself a drink even."

Enrique stared at Justin quizzically. "Are you insane? He'll murder me! I'm better off just standing here and biting my tongue while I still have it."

Justin scoffed. "That asshole is going to be busy with that game of his to even notice you. So come on and live a little, what have you got to lose?"

"My job?" Enrique fired back irritably. "And I'm sure you're aware of how hard it is to find work these days, so I need to keep this one in order to help support my family."

"You're married?" Justin's eyes widened. "No offense but you look a little too young to be wearing a manacle."

"My mother and siblings," Enrique stared at him blankly. "That's who I'm supporting. And you look rather young yourself by the way, almost too young to even be drinking in the first place. So what's your excuse?"

Justin chuckled nervously and shrugged. "I'm old enough that's for sure. Also wise enough to know your boss is a moron, but you're already aware of that yourself so I don't need to tell you."

Enrique sighed. "I try not to talk too much to strangers during my shift but I find that it's a good distraction. But the last guy I used to talk to regularly seems to have disappeared for good. I don't like upsetting people but it seems I've upset him."

"Sounds like you miss the guy's company," Justin commented.

"I don't miss him," Enrique shook his head. "I just feel bad for driving him away that's all."

"Say, can I get some more of this stuff?" Justin asked holding up his glass. "I like the warm fuzzy feeling it's giving me."

"Of course you can," Enrique replied as he took the glass back and mixed up another drink. "They don't call it giggle water for nothing you know?"

"I know," Justin nodded as he suddenly turned his head and looked behind him to see Maxwell parading around in his red vest. "Is it just me or does this guy have a vest for every day of the week?"

"He likes to pretend he's classy," Enrique rolled his eyes as he set the drink down in front of Justin. "He's a real schmoozer."

"Yeah, well don't forget to put the word ass in front of schmoozer and then you'd be right," Justin remarked as he sipped his drink. "Now if you don't mind, I'm gonna head into the game room myself now. Gonna see what all the commotion is about, ya know?"

"I think it's just commotion," Enrique replied. "And something tells me you'll be back for another drink soon."

"Maybe," Justin laughed as he walked off. "We shall see."

Atlantech: The Early Days Volume OneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora