Chapter 29: The Storm

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Lynne was on her way now to speak with Captain Grant about Stan, but as she made her way down the hall of the third floor, she was completely unaware of the hidden figure that was watching and waiting to strike.

She sighed deeply, lowering her gaze to the ground while lost in deep thought as she passed by a dark room when all of a sudden an arm shot out, grabbed her by the wrist, pulled her inside, and closed the door behind them.

"Let go of me!" Lynne snarled as she began hitting and kicking her mysterious assailant, until he suddenly flipped on the light and she could hardly believe her eyes.

"Sterling?" She gasped wide-eyed and shocked as William turned around to face her while blocking the door with his body. "What the hell is this?" She exclaimed angrily shaking her fist in his face. "Is this some kind of game you're playing? If so I don't appreciate it in the least!"

"No," he answered quietly as he lowered her hand. "I'm trying to stop you."

"What?" She sounded completely baffled. "Stop me from what exactly?"

"Telling the captain about Stan," William answered. "I don't want him to know about what happened."

"And why not?" She demanded to know. "And you had better have a good reason for it, because what you're doing right now, Sterling, is a punishable offense!"

"I know it is," he sighed. "But there's something you have to understand. I took that risk because I don't want to lose him all right? He's my best friend and I know he didn't mean what he did. That's not who he is. I know it's not!"

She shot him a crazed look. "Oh you do then? Well, would you happen to know that Private Mathis is currently unconscious because of him? And that he could've been killed? Well do you?"

"He didn't mean for it to go this far," William stressed. "Like I told you, he's my best friend, so I'm willing to do whatever it takes to keep him here. It's where he belongs."

"Heaven save us all," Lynne remarked with a sigh while lowering her head. "I feel as though I don't even know you anymore, Sterling."

"Well the feeling is mutual," he narrowed his eyes at her. "But this is the only thing I'm going to ask of you. So please? Will you do this one thing for me?"

She fell silent as she looked into those sad blue eyes of his while he plead, reminded of the day when she told him it was over between them. The bitterness over it all was still there but he hid it well and perhaps she did too.

"Please?" William pled once more, the desperation clear in his voice. "I swear I will never ask you for anything else again."

Lynne sighed heavily feeling overwhelmed with guilt. "Very well, Sterling." She finally answered with defeat. "You win. I won't tell him."

"Thank you," he managed a half smile as he attempted to embrace her only to be stopped as she raised her hands up and shook her head at him.

"Don't touch me," she said crossly causing him to frown and back away. "And while I'm willing to grant this request of yours that doesn't mean he's free to go. He must be punished for what he's done and so I require that he remain locked up until I say otherwise, is that understood?" She crossed her arms and glared at him as she waited for a response.

"Fine," William accepted. "No point in arguing with you."

"You've got that right," she said coldly. "However there is something I would like in return."

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