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Harry Potter: I'M A ZOMBIE!!!!!

Severus Snape: SO IM A VAMPIRE!!!!!!

Percy Jackson: IM A SON OF POSEIDON!!!!

Nico di Angelo: IM A SON OF HADES!!!!!

Thalia and Jason Grace: WE'RE CHILDREN OF ZUES!!!!!

Bella Swan: Im a ballerina!

*Bella Swan has been blocked from this conversation*

Edward Cullen: Thank goodness, that girl was annoying as hell

Harry Potter: Aren't you supposed to love her or some other shit like that?

Cho Chang: No he loves me, he only put up with her cuz her family is rich.

Edward Cullen: Damn right

Ronald Weasley: Hey Mione!

Hermione Granger: What

Ronald Weasley: Can I Slytherin you Chamber of Secrets?

Hermione Granger: One, that is so cheesy Two EWWWW and three you can go Slytherin somewhere else

Harry Potter: BURN!!!!!

Severus Snape: Turn to page three hundred and ninety four.

Albus Dumbledore: Would anyone care for a lemon drop?

Hogwarts has logged off

Albus Dumbledore: Well that was rude.

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