|•Chapter 1•|

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1 year, 4 months, 24 days, and 17 minutes ago my father was murdered. Police never found the murderer, but I think they never looked. If they looked for his murderer, they would have found him... because there isn't many places they could go.  My father wasn't liked by any of the police, as he was a firefighter (And a very good one too) He was the Chief of his department, and also designed the trucks. When designing the stickers that would go on the truck, he would sneak my initials LM for Lacey Newman on. No one ever noticed, because no one ever cared. No one cared how hard he worked, or how much time he spent trying to get everything done on time when it needs to be done. All while having 3 kids. After my father's death it was just my mom Sarah, my younger brother Joey, my older brother Aiden, and I. Everyone thinks that after 1 year, 4 months, 24 days, and now 23 minutes ago I would magically feel okay again? They're wrong. I can never be like I was, because my father is not there to guide me. He won't be there for my high school graduation, my wedding, he won't see me succeed in life like he always wanted me to. But I know, he will forever be in my heart

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