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Chapter 1

What is Destiny? Does it exist? Or is it just a myth? Something only Fools would believe in. Is it something God writes Himself or is it something we create ourselves? Is it a superstition or is it something that will happen .To be honest I don't know how or what destiny is and neither do I know whether it was written by God or is it something we create as we go. All I know about Destiny is that it cannot be fought. Nobody can change what's been written in the stars. The stars will not change their course for anyone no matter what you or I do. They'll always be the way they always are just like a frozen lake without any disturbance. Never moven or shaken by what's going on around it.

Imagine, what would be the scariest thing in the world. Well........for me it was knowing destiny and also knowing that there was nothing I could do to change it. It's quite frightening to be honest. But we still try, try to change what we know can never be changed and what's suppose to happen will happen.

Try to think the person that you love the most taken from your very arms and never returned. Let me guess just the mere thought of it makes your heart filled with unbearable pain. A pain that no drug can suppress; a pain called love. I always thought that falling in love was dangerous and I was right because when you fall in love you let all of your guards down and always want to be by him. Which when he is not in front of your eyes it feels like your whole world disappears for that person was your whole world. Love is like a trap, a trap that once you're caught it won't ever release you; like a spider web stuck but no way out without destroying yourself. However what I didn't know about love was that it attracts you like a beautiful butterfly but stings you like a bee. Scent of honey but taste of poison; a poison without any antidote.

I always tried to keep away from love; love that destroys you, a love that makes you want to be someone else.

The possibility that you'll never get to see the one you love; you'll probably try to fight any possibility like that, won't you. I did the same; I tried to fight against something that I knew I had no chance of winning against. But I fought anyway, like they say Love makes one's vision blurry. I know that all this sounds stupid but if you're not desperate enough to do all of this for the one you love then you probably don't love him enough.

Sometimes it just doesn't work out and the other times it's just not meant to be. The most ironic thing is in our case it was just that. There was no shortage of love between us but sadly it was just not to be. I did love him very much and I didn't want to let him go but when the greatest of the greats couldn't change their destiny then who was I; a mere mortal with nothing to give.

My Desire to always be by him was always impossible. Even though he was always right at my hands, the distance between us was always worlds apart. I tried to cross over to his world even though I knew it was foolish but I had to at least try.

I always did know that he was Different, from the very first day I met him. He was always very hard to explain. Always very distant yet so close.

He stood out a lot although he didn't like to. While all the other guys were busy hitting on girls, he hardly even talked to them. He was very popular with the ladies because he was always very polite and a perfect gentlemen. He would help anybody who was in need of help but never take advantage of anyone.

It all started when my goddamn uncle forced me to change my school. I was studying in London to become a biologist. But my uncle thought that I was better suited for Arts. I wasn't interested. It all seemed like a circus to me. But he still insisted.

I was one of those Ice Princess types who stood out a lot but because of my cold attitude I had no friends. I had a Motto "If I'm not bothering you then don't bother me". My life was peaceful and went by gradually but after meeting him it became anything but calm.

Before meeting him, I wouldn't have done any of the stupidest things I did after meeting him. I was one of who lead their lives following facts and then he came and none of those facts made any sense.

That day started like any other, me going to school as early as possible so I wouldn't have to deal with anything unnecessary. But as usual the club activities beat me to the clock. The male jocks admiring from a distance. Because of my parents looks which I inherited from them even after wearing a scarf to cover my face I attracted a lot of unwanted attention. The female jocks kept glaring at me.

As I made my way through the glares and admiring eyes a shiny black limo pulled up at the back. It didn't take me a mere second to guess who it was.

And when the door opened and a large shining figure comes out my worst fear had been realized. It was Uncle Pete or should I say it had to be him or else who would be stupid enough to bring a limo this early in the morning at a boarding school.

As he walked towards me I noticed his silky black hair shining as it reflected the Sunlight, His skin a soft white pinkish color glowing. When I looked at his face he looked a soft and as fragile as if, if I touch him now he'll shatter. His lips as red as ever and his dark brown eyes in which any one would get lost in focused directly at me. That dark suit he was wearing complimented his fair skin perfectly; the upper three buttons of his suit were open. His muscular chest was very much visible through the white shirt he was wearing inside. Looking at his chest would make anyone feel secure. He looked like his just came out of a beautiful painting.

"Damn His HOT!" I thought to myself. Who would have believed me if I had told them that he was35.He hardly looked 20.He eyes were so captivating that it took me a while to release my vision from his. Finally I notice the envelope in his hand............................................................

~END of Chapter 1~


hope you like it. Its a bit crazy and kinda like me but hopefully when by the time it's finished it'll be a great story.

P.S any sort of advice is appreciated.

PhantomOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora