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First all the presidents decided to gather all the committee members whom I didn’t know existed. We were all separated into groups. Turned out that the blonde boy and the red head girl were both student council members but of Corse they were on Castial’s team.

Two very cute twin brother and sister were on Jen’s team. I didn’t even know they existed till that day. I’d never seen them in class but then again they were probably night class students.

I was on Alex’s team but we only had two members so we had to wait for our last member before we could start work.

Everyone introduced themselves. The blonde boy was actually a highschooler and his name was Admes. The red head was called Crystal.

The names of the twins on Jen’s team were Adora and Saf.   

We all divided our works. Jen’s team was responsible for the food. Castial’s team’s work was to work on the invitations and entertainment while our team’s work was the designing.

Everyone started to get to work right away but we had to wait for our third member. It was lunch time and we hadn’t eaten anything so Alex suggested we eat and by that time the third member would probably arrive.

After lunch when we went back to the student committee room someone was inside. When we opened the door there was this guy with short very dark red hair, fair skin, ocean blue eyes and a slender body. He was making out with not one but two girls. The girls left when they saw us giving us a very nasty look.

Alex asked the guy ‘What was that?’

That guy very unapologetically said ‘Didn’t you see for yourself or do you want me do give you an example’ looking at me.

Alex gave him a look and he resigned ‘I meant I’m sorry’

He introduced himself to me ‘My name’s Raven’ he lifted my hand to his lips and pressed a kiss on it.

Taking back my hand I introduced myself ‘I’m Alice’

‘Oh the headmaster’s daughter and the reincarnated……’ Alex stopped him there. Alex told him to start working. In just two hours we had already selected everything. Though Alex and Raven were worlds apart they both worked really well together.

Raven was also one of Alex’s best friends. What I didn’t get is that even though Raven was so different from everyone he still fit into our group.

We finished one-third of the work by 8pm. But we had to stop because it was supper time. We all gathered in my and Alex’s room to report our progress. Everyone had good news and by time our committee’s meeting was over it was around midnight. Jen stayed with me like she usually did and all the boys stayed in Alex’s room.

In the morning during breakfast we had already decided what we were going to do. We weren’t able to do our classes due to all the work. Uncle Pete would come and check up on us from time to time. Raven would flirt with the girls who volunteered to help and get scolded by Alex. Those two were like a comedy duo and not one minute went by without laughter.

Though most of the time Raven screwed around his work was flawless. He did most of the sculpture work. Alex’s work was the manager’s and all I did was help with the little things. There was nothing for me to do in the evening when they were placing the sculptures so Alex sent me to help Castial who could defiantly use it. They couldn’t find entertainment in the school of A-class singers and dancers.

Castial wanted something more than your average entertainment he wanted to give people something they’d remember for a lifetime.

I suggested a magic show but even that was too common for him.      

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