Chapter Ten

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Marcus took me with him to Scotland. 

There was a lot of space for me to run around and grow. 

We went running and hiking. 

Sometimes he’d take me fishing or camping. 

I learned to love the outdoor and to feel free. 

I started to grow faster and I started building muscle.  I didn’t want to be Hulk ripped but I did want to grow comfortably into this new body.  My shoulders became wider and my legs thicker.  Soon I began to see muscle definition in my arms and my abs.  I grew three more inches while I was with Marcus and my facial hair came in.  I shaved it off because it itched and I didn’t like it but it was a pain in the ass to shave every day.  I let my hair grow out a little.  Not too long, just enough for it to cover my ears.

 On one of my strolls through the shops, I came across a tattoo parlor.  I stood there staring at the front window and then after ten minutes, I walked in.  When the woman asked me what I wanted, I drew her the picture from memory.  The moon was blue-grey and the eyes looking back were my father’s eyes: lime green.  

I walked out and started to really feel like I knew what I was supposed to do on this earth.

I went home and cooked me something good.  Marcus came home at around diner time and then we went for a walk in the dark. 

I hadn’t really gotten any of my werewolf powers, but I felt stronger somehow.  Marcus would teach me how to hunt efficiently.  Even though we were technically two different types of creatures, I knew the skill was the same.  I learned how to walk silently and always be aware of my surroundings.  It was like I was training to be a soldier or something.  Except that instead of learning the art of weaponry, I was learning how to become efficient at hunting and tracking.  I was learning to use my senses to their full capacity.

The time seemed to pass quickly after that.  Soon I was graduating from high school and driving.  I turned nineteen soon after that and then when I felt I was ready, I took some of the money my dad had left and I traveled.  Sometimes I was alone and sometimes Marcus was with me.  I learned a lot from him and about him.  He became a part of me and I started to depend on him when things became a little too much for me.  I met other vampires when I went to places alone.  They knew about me and I guess I somehow had become their mascot. 

I turned twenty while I was out in London with Johnathon and by the time I was ready to come back, I was twenty-one.  I came back home to Thera’s house, and sometimes I would stay with my grandparent’s up in wine country.  I liked it there because their ranch was a nice and open space.  Then I would spend my time between John’s place, Thera’s, my mom’s and my grandparent’s.  Thera wanted me to go to school and get a higher education.  I wasn’t so sure that I wanted to spend time locked up in school.  John thought it was good for me to expand my knowledge and my mom wanted me to get a career and make a living for myself.  Marcus didn’t say anything and Dharma told me that it was my decision to make.  She became like a mentor to me. 

Marcus was older and he could teach me stuff but I could talk to Dharma openly about my father and my feelings.  Johnathon became my best friend, and I loved him for looking out for me and for understanding me. 

Even though I was taller and older.  I know sometimes people looked at us and didn’t understand our relationship.  But I liked the time we spent together and I knew I would always carry it in my heart no matter what.

So the matter of school kept coming up and somewhat forcefully I enrolled in college.  I didn’t know what I would study, but I went anyways.  I enrolled in a few classes and thought about joining some kind of training program but I soon gave up that idea.

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