The Proposal

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It was a rainy day filled with dark clouds that covered even the slightest ray of light. With animosity in the air, no one was outside even the animals took shelter indoors. Except but one yellow haired ninja running through the forest with greatness speed. He neither looked side or back but forward like the predator chasing it's prey. With fierce eyes he moved swiftly like a fox being covered by his white clock from the harsh rain. His destination was the only thing on his mind at this point. He couldn't think of anything else anymore.

Now that the war was over there was peace in all nations. His best friend was back and he has made amends with everyone. The only thing now was finishing his main goal. He finally arrived at the Hyuuga main house. It was heavily guarded but that didn't trouble him since he had a pass to get in. He smirked at the thought of using Neji as a pass. As soon as he was in front of the gate he met a very angry Neji.

"You're late" he said showing his anger

"Sorry Neji hahaha I overslept" he laughed nervously while scratching the back of his head.

Neji sighed and told the guards to let him in with his companion. Since they had a urgent meeting with the head of the Hyuuga main branch. When they got in the house, servants came to them and took their wet cloaks and dirty shoes. As they walk the long hallway Neji advices him not to get too carried away. And to keep his excitements and loudness in control. Also that he has to speak clearly and respectfully.

"C'mon Neji I'm not gonna mess up. I know what I have to say stop being so nervous" he said nonchalantly

Neji sighs and prays in his head that things will work out. They end at magnificent door with gold trimmings and silver designs that look like chakra flowing just like waves. Neji knocks on the door and announces himself. A low deep voice is heard and the doors open. Ofcourse not on their own that will be silly but only one person would believe that. As they walk in the head of the Hyuuga family looks up but with an expression not able to be read. They both bow with respect then told to sit down.

"Hiashi-sama we are sorry to disturb you but there is something urgent that Naruto and I must talk to you about" Neji stated with seriousness.

There was silence for a few seconds which made Naruto nervous.

"Sigh.....Alright it's fine" he said after searching Narutos' eyes with an intense gaze.

A/N: hey everyone this is my first story . I thought that to start out ill do a story about my fav couple in anime. If there is any typos I apologize I am currently writing on my phone since the laptop is being used. But anyways thank you for taking your time in reading my story. There is more to come with this story. Anyways toodles loves :)

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