Chapter 1 - The Past part 1

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"Hiashi-sama we are sorry to disturb you but there is something urgent that Naruto and I must talk to you about" Neji stated with seriousness.

There was silence for a few seconds which made Naruto nervous.

"Sigh.....Alright it's fine" he said after searching Narutos' eyes with an intense gaze

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------After a deep breath and a heavy sigh Naruto spoke with determination in his eyes.

"Hiashi-sama thank you for meeting with us today. I know that you we're not expecting someone like me requesting to meet you. But i needed to talk to you since it concerns your daughter.......Hinata"

As he said Hinatas' name Hiashis' eyes grew large and his face became hard. It was like medusa was turning him into a stone figure. Even though he saw this he did not flinch or get nervous, yes his heart was racing but it was the adrenaline giving him strength. He kept going with his explanation.

"I dont know if you know this but Hinata confessed to me during the fight with Pain. When i was pinned down and almost defeated, Hinata came out of knowhere and stood between me and Pain....."

*******FLASH BACK********

Naruto laying on the ground pinned by the metal poles that were fueled with chakra. Suddenly he hears a bang. The smoke clears and he sees Hinata.

"Reinforcements..." Pain said with no feeling

"I won't let you lay another finger on Naruto-kun" Hinata snapped

Seeing him pinned down and in pain hurt her.

"What are you doing here?!?" Naruto yelled "Get out of here, your no matc-"

"I know" she interrupted "I'm just being selfish"

Naruto was so confused. He has never seen this side of her.

"What are you talking about? what are you doing here? it's dangerous" he said

"I'm here on my own free will" she stated "I used to always cry and give up, I nearly went the wrong way but you turned me around. I was always chasing you, wanting to overtake you. I just wanted to walk with you, I wanted to be with you. You changed me, your smile saved me. So I'm not afraid to die protecting you. Because I love you Naruto-kun" she smiled after speech and got ready to fight

************FLASHBACK OVER***********

"I yelled her name as she was knocked down" Naruto said as he clutched his chest "Even when she was dropped on her head she still rose to her feet. I begged her not to come near me. it was so hard to watch her crawl towards me"

Naruto paused and looked straight at Hiashi

" She was asked by pain why she risked her life knowing she would not win. she said that it was her nindo her ninja way. The last time I said that was during the chunking exams and it surprised me that she even remembered it." He grinned

"I never did forget her words and what she did for me. if it wasn't for her I wouldn't be here today. I-"


He was interrupted by the knock on the door. The door opened and it was Hanabi and Hinata. Hinata was very surprised to see Naruto at her place. She was never told that he was coming. She started blushing but her thoughts were interrupted by her fathers voice.

"Hinata, was there something you needed?" he asked sternly

"Uuh yes father...lunch has been prepared" she said nervously

Naruto smiled to himself thinking how cute she was.

"Very well we will join you. Naruto we will finish this after lunch" he said

"Yes sir"

They exited the room and went to this huge dining area where servants were awaiting to serve. As they sat Naruto sat infront of Hinata mostly because he wanted to look at her.

A/N well that's the end of chapter 1
Sorry I didn't update faster
I kinda got discouraged because when I first put the story out it didn't have activity but I just saw all these comments and I'm so happy I could burst anyways I'll be updating twice a week so see ya

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