Werewolf Rehab

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     Ariana Livingston is a Seventeen year old girl who likes to go out and party on the weekends; drink a few beers and smoke a little weed, nothing too serious. After one night getting caught sneaking out her parents decided to ship her off to rehab; not just any rehab, a rehab center that was on an island in the middle of the ocean away from everything and everyone she had ever known. She would soon learn about the lies her family told to get her there and after meeting her mate on the island her life seems to start to fall apart piece by piece. Will she be able to hold it together for the four short months until she turns eighteen and can leave or will everything just become too much for her to handle causing her to want to jump ship?

Warning: Contains some swearing and some sexual content

Copyright ã 2013 Amber Russell

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Werewolf RehabOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz