Chapter Two

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Ariana's POV

          The rest of the short ride home was in complete silence; as soon as the car was stopped I jumped out and basically ran inside. I was halfway up the stairs by the time my parents came in the door after me. My sister appeared at the top of the stairs with a huge grin on her face causing me to swallow hard; I now had a feeling that whatever they had planned for my punishment she already knew about and was more than happy about it.

‘Well this should be interesting.’

“Ari come back down here we need to talk.” My father demanded before I could take another step; sighing loudly I turned around and followed them to the kitchen. My sister followed almost skipping behind me; obviously she was overjoyed with what my punishment would be. Once we were all seated at the table my mother opened a folder she had sitting in front of her before she began speaking.

“Ari your behavior has gone on long enough and quite frankly we cannot deal with it anymore. The stress that you are putting on this family is beginning to become too much for us all to handle.” She started.

‘Is she really being serious right now? I’m putting too much stress on the family? When I was good they didn’t even notice that I existed but a few months of going out and partying and all of a sudden I’m too much to handle?’

“Your father and I have been talking and we think that it would be best if we send you somewhere where they can help you get better.”

“What do you mean send me somewhere?” I asked confused as the smile on my sisters face grew wider with each word my mother spoke.

“We are sending you to rehab.” My father answered.

“What?” I practically screamed.

“We have tried and tried with you Ari but it just seems that you never learn for your mistakes.” My mothers tone was sad as she spoke the words but honestly I could care less about her feelings right now; were they really thinking about sending me to rehab?

“Tried, what have you tried? Maybe your lack of trying is why I am the way I am! Maybe if you would have actually paid some attention to me instead of Terra all the time I would still be a good student and not get into trouble.” I shot back at them.

‘Seriously what the hell is happening right now? Did they really think that sending me to rehab was going to help anything? All I wanted was for them to show me some love and attention; is that too much to ask for?’

“Don’t try to blame this on them Ana, you’re the one who put yourself in this position.” My sister butted in.

“Did I ask you? If I had to guess this was all your idea in the first place.” I shouted back standing from my chair.

“Ari sit down we are not done talking. Terra it would be best if you just leave the room until we are finished here.” My father said ending the sentence in a loving tone as he was talking to my sister; figures she would still get attention when this has nothing to do with her.

“This is a load of bull crap! I am not going to rehab!” I said stomping my foot; I know it’s a little childish but seriously this was just ridiculous.

“You don’t have a choice in the matter, the decision has already been made and you leave in the morning.” My father said handing me a pamphlet of some kind.

“In the morning? What about school; what about my friends? Are you seriously sending me to rehab for having a few drinks on the weekend?” The pamphlet he handed me was slowly being crumpled in my hands as my anger was building inside of me.

Werewolf RehabTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon