Chapter Tweleve

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Gabriel’s POV

“I Ariana Livingston rejec…” She started to say before I covered her mouth with my hand, I know it was wrong but I didn’t know what else to do. She couldn’t reject me, not now, not while she was in this state; she at least needed to get better first and hear me out about why I rejected her. I needed another chance, a chance to prove to her that I really did want her as a mate.

“No, Ari you can’t do that, please don’t do that.” I begged before removing my hand from her mouth; I just needed more time, time to explain, time to win her back.

          Her mouth opened and closed a few times but no words came out; I could feel her body going limp in my arms as I took off in a full run towards the building. I mind linked the doctors to be ready for her when I got there and as I reached the door it was opened for me and I rushed her into the waiting table. I paced back and forth as the doctors worked to stitch up her wounds to stop any further bleeding; she was hocked up to a heart monitor and the slow yet steady beat was the only thing keeping me sane at the moment.

“Let me in there, where is she, what happened?” I heard Anna screaming from the waiting room as she tried to push her way through the guards; I knew that she was Ari’s friend and it was only right that I let her know what was going on. I told the guards to let her through and watched as a look of horror crossed her face when she seen Ari’s body lying on the table.

“What the hell happened?” She growled at me as she took in my appearance; I was covered from the chest down in blood, not my own but from Ari.

“She got into a fight with Kane and he lost it and shifted.” I said running my hand threw my hair for what felt like the millionth time.

“Is she going to be alright?” She asked in a soft voice as a few tears rolled down her face.

“We don’t know yet.” I said taking a seat in chair by the wall.

“I am going to kill him; I swear to god that if she doesn’t make it I am going to rip his freaking heart out!” Anna screamed before turning around to face me.

“And what are you doing here, why aren’t you out punishing him?” She growled at me; being the future Alpha it was my job to give him his punishment but I couldn’t leave Ari here, not like this.

“I can’t leave her.” I said placing my head in my hands; there was a short moment of silence before Anna spoke again.

“You’re him, you’re her mate?” She asked, her voice laced with anger; I couldn’t even look up at her I just nodded my head yes. I was snapped out of my daze when her hand smacked into the side of my face; I instantly stood up and growled at her, that was a stupid thing for her to do to an Alpha.

“Do you have any idea how much pain you have caused her? Do you?” She screamed.

“I know Anna, I realize now that it was a mistake to reject her and I plan to make it up to her.” I replied completely forgetting about her slapping me.

“Not that you idiot!” I gave her a confused look, what other pain could I have caused?

“Do you know what it does to your mate when you sleep with someone else?” She said through gritted teeth, her hands were shaking at her side and I could tell that her wolf was close to the surface.

“What do you mean?” I asked still confused about what she was talking about; I never heard of anything happening to your mate if you slept with someone else, at least not after you rejected them.

“Every time you decided to go screw around with some other female she felt every single thrust you made, except where you were feeling pleasure she was feeling pain.” My face paled as she spoke the words.

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