- Blue Dragon Egg

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It appears to be a female, and she is:
- optimistic
- playful
- friendly
- spiritual
- empowered by water
- wingless, but striped for camouflage

This dragonet was chosen by DinoTheCatand BlizzardGlory (also chose green egg).

Since it's a first come, first serve type of thing, BlizzardGlory has first choice for this.
Buuuut, since you've (BlizzardGlory) picked between this dragonet and the green one, you can choose which one you prefer, once the green egg is up too (or this one, if you already like it)

For DinoTheCat, this will depend on what BlizzardGlory chooses. If they choose the blue one, you (DinoTheCat) have a chance to take the green one if you like.

Status for remaining dragonets:

- green egg {hatched}: possible choice for BlizzardGlory, also possible for DinoTheCat

- black egg {hatching}: most likely to be taken by ElementalStorm360, than (sorry about that)

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