The Start of Something Beautiful ]Pewdiepie[

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·-·Felix's POV·-·
"Hey Pewdie!"
"Hey Cry."
"What's wrong? Your not half as enthusiastic as you usually are."
"Marzia left me for some buff dude."
"Awe, that's gotta suck."
"Yeah. She said something about me being distracted and not giving her all my love, or some stuff like that."
"You deserve someone better."
"So, why are you here?"
"What, I can't see my best friend?"
"Well, you never show up without texting."
"Oh, well, I guess I just wanted to come by."
"Okay. Wanna play some games?"
"Hey, Bro? Do you know where- Oh, hey Pewds!"
"Hey, Elena."
"What do you need, Elena?"
"Do you know where Uncharted 2 is?"
"No. Can you go upstairs now?"
"I'm curious to know what you guys are playing. It looks adorable!"
"It's a game called Ibb and Obb."
"Cool! It's co-op?"
"Yes, Elena. Now can you go upstairs?"
"Okay, fine."
"Why'd you snap at Elena like that?"
"What do you mean?"
"She was just asking some questions, but you were being crabby."
"I wasn't being crabby."
"Yes, you were. Why were you-"
"Maybe that's why Marzia left you! You ask too many goddamn questions! Just like Elena! You know what? Just get out."
"Get out!"
"Okay, I'm going..."
"Hey, Elena. Do you know if Cry's still mad at me."
"Yeah. He's pretty pissed. I heard him yelling earlier. Something about... Oh god, did Marzia leave you?"
"Can I come over? I just wanna talk about some stuff."
"Yeah, come on over. You're welcome here anytime."
Little did we know...
That was the start of something beautiful.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2016 ⏰

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