In the Eyes of a Mean Girl

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"You can't keep kissing strangers and pretending it's him."

I suffocated on her words like water. They fueled my fire, making me wonder why we were ever friends in the first place. She hit the nail on the head and straight in my back. Even in the eye of everyone staring at us from all over, I managed to shed a tear for our lost friendship.

"You know nothing about me." I croaked up, "Don't make me name the things I know about you." Words tumbled out of me before I could filter them.

She smirked, calling a bluff. "Sweetie, shut your mouth before you embarrass yourself anymore." She flipped her silky blonde hair behind her.

If this the person I've known all this time? This monster version of the kind girl I grew up with?

"Don't stand there and pretend you were ever faithful to Brandon." Was I as bad as her? "You don't want me to start naming names, do you?" I smirked. I was making myself sick at this point. How could I say this to someone I once trusted my life with? I was as bad as her. Maybe even worse.

Her eyebrows furrowed as people starting whispering all around us. I could see her eyes become glassy when she noticed the love of her life push through the whispering crowd, getting away desperately. He was supposed to be at basketball practice.

I kept my smirk painted on my face and even managed to grow it a little. It was all fake though, every bit of it. He was my little brother. Her eyes darted back to me, pure evil lied in them. My heart jumped when she glared. She knew things about me, things others would judge. She didn't though, never.

What have I done?

"Did he ever really love you?" Her eyes shined of fake curiosity. "I mean, how could someone like that ever love you? No wonder he left. In fact, it finally makes since why your mom left you. She probably didn't love you either, now I think about it."

Every single word was a bullet to the stomach. I kept a mask on, hiding every emotion that would dare shine through. But I stayed perfectly still. It wasn't until I decided that I had no more words for her when I darted out of the school, not looking back.

Our friendship wreaked. We were done.

My love left me. I hurt him too much.

My mother bore me but decided I wasn't worth her love.

When I ran away that night I decided I was done. I would never come back to the memories reminding me of my failures.

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