The Woodland Hero

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In the woods far, far away
two great friends lay.
Frank the Fox and Bobby the Bear
spread fear throughout the air.
Playing pranks on all the creatures, they were so cruel.
However, this kept them in rule.
Stomping on ant hills, covering moles' holes, stealing bees' honey, and other's food,
these actions lead to a big feud.
For months on end, no one put up a fight
they did not know how to make this right.
One day, Frank and Bobby went too far,
and almost got Chad the chipmunk hit by a car.
Chad knew he was too weak
to fight two animals at their peak.
He understood he was just more prey
and would not be able to make either of them pay.
The animals must organize
a meeting to bring them to their demise.
No woodland creature was brave enough
to take the criminals by their scruff.
They all left the meeting in sorrow
not knowing who would be pranked tomorrow.
What Frank and Bobby were not expecting
was that they were the ones who would be collecting. 
A terrible trick was played on the two,
that was a little difficult for them to chew.
During a chase of Chad through the trees,
they fell in a pit full of bees.
Frank and Bobby were stung several times,
they finally paid for some of their crimes.
While their wounds were still exposed,
Frank's hole of a home was bulldozed.
An animal's working that was still in question.
Bobby's anger was not in suppression.
He erupted into an unstoppable rampage
which made it too easy for Chad to catch him in a cage.
Chad strung the cage to a tree
up high where no one would see.
Frank fled as fast as the wind
out of fear of being skinned.
Frank and Bobby's reign of terror fell,
and Chad was a hero described as swell.

Moral: What goes around comes around.

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