I think I like him

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I just sit there in shock trying to analyze the situation but for eome weird reason I didn't push him off or reject his kiss...it didn't feel wrong that I was kissing him..in fact I kinda like it. I notice that eyes start to wonder towards our table and I freak out and come back to my sense

I lightly push jack off me pay for our meal and drag him to the car. We both just sit there silent..I look over to him and he's just silently crying. I dont know what to say at the moment so I just drive us home and he glances over at me once in a while. When we get to the house I go to unlock the door but jack isn't behind me. He's still in the car looking sad so I go back to the car pick him up bridal style and carry him to my room after kicking the door shut.

I carry him to my room and place him on the bed. Umm jack you ok??  "Leave me alone ye bastard". He turns over and tries to get out the bed. I quickly grab him pin his arm to the bed and sit in between his legs looking at him with a serious face on. Jack...please you  very  he falls asleep I undress him and myself to only boxers and pull him back on top of me and pull the covers over us and fall asleep myself

Time skip to the next morning

I wake up to the smell of  coffe and bacon. I go downstairs to see what's going on when I see jack in  shirt which is too big for im cooking breakfast. I was really cute and I walked up behind him and grabbed his waist. He jumped when I grabbed him and almost burnt himself.

It's too early for you to be this clumsy jacky. He looks back at me notices where my hands are and kinda freaks out moving my hands in the process. " Don't sneak up on me then ye bastard"  I chuckle a little at his reaction. That was quite a delayed reaction don't you think? He glares at me and I blow a kiss to him. He finishes breakfast makes my plate and his own and eats his near the counter. Hey why you eating over there I want some company. He hesitated but eventually came over and sat across from me.

Soo umm jack there's a few things I want to talk about. " Yeah what's up markipoo??" I found him calling me that cute and wanted more. About last night...

Jacks pov

What does he mean about last night did something serious happen?? I thinks back to how they woke up proceed to assume the worse. OMG OMG OMG DID WE FUCK??!! "What about last night all I remember is drinking a lot you driving us home and that's it...did something else happen?? I get a little nervous but prepare myself just in case. Ummm you kissed me last night...a lot. Mark looks down as he says that and I freak out that I don't remember something like that. Of all things I had to forget why did I have to forget THAT!!

I knew he wouldn't lie about something like this...   Yeah.. umm I kinda just wanted to know why you did that??
He just sat there waiting for me to say something but I couldn't just scream out I really like you that would make things awkward. "Ummm honestly I don't remember that happening and even if I did I don't think I would be able give you a solid reason". He just said ok after that put his plate in the sink and went back upstairs. I'm kinda glad he left though because I was getting hard from thinking about what happened last night and I have his scent so it's making it worse.

I walk upstairs after finishing my plate making sure not to bump into Mark on the way and get ready for today.
I got in the shower but down there was only getting worse he looked so sexy this morning with his bed head and thinking about me kissing him is just driving me crazy

Mark's Pov

I quickly get ready excited for the plans I have for us today. I walk into jack's room and I would have thought he at least he would be half dressed since the shower has been off for a few minutes now but that's not what I saw.  We just stare at each other jack blushing hard and my heart beating like crazy

Jack was wearing my shirt and from the looks of it using it to help him.....jerk off  I like him. My heart kept beating faster and faster... and I'm gonna find out if he feels the same. I slowly approached the fully erect irish man and pushed him down on the bed...

(Hey chardy here umm I wanna make the next chapter smut but idk if you guys would want it so can you guys please comment to let me know if h want it or not cuz I'm here to please my readers)

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