Chapter 20: Point of no Return

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One week later

"Wake ya ass up" She yelled

" Wake ya ass up Nigga" She Yelled even louder throwing pillows

She had me living in hell for the last week.
The Party ended early due to her throwing tantrums which resulted in my one way battle wounds.

I turned around, Ariana Standing there dressed and Romeo in her left arm.

"What Rose?" I asked.

"Come on lets go see this daughter of yours she should've swallowed"she yelled.

I looked at her like she was crazy.

" Dont talk like that in front of my kids man" I said.

"I can say whatever I want at this point" She turned and walked out the room

Rosie P.O.V
As I walked out our bedroom. Behind me I heard him sigh and get into the shower.
The pins and needles I felt in my body when He delivered the news of his lost and found child.
The nerve of that bitch to keep it from him and sit up in the hospital with him for the birth of our own.
Ari sat at the table to eat her bunny shaped pancakes with a side of apple sause.
In my heart and head I believed I took Derek out of a bad place and grew with him from scratch. It hurts to know what he has a whole other family. Now he has to be split between two families. His wife and two Kids and then his od flame and their daughter. What will our future look like. Will he pay more attention to his other daughter because of her condition. How am I could going do this on my own.

Ariana snapped me out of m thoughts
"Mommy dad is ready" she stuffed her mouth

I looked up. He freshly cut his facial hair, and had on the best fit in his closet. I haven't seen him like this since we met.

I looked up at him and back down to my food.
"You driving?" I asked

"Sure" he went to grab the keys

The drive to the hospital had to be the most awkward quiet ride ever. Only normal was Ari singing and playing with her brother

Speaking of that, how am I going to explain this to Ariana. Honestly she'd probably be find with this news. Someone to play with her.

In the elevator everything hit me at once. "You have a Child ! You have a Fucking Child" I started hitting on him. With my Acrylic nails it was hard to make a fist but I wanted to put him back in the hospital. I was hitting him in the face., stomach, arms until he grabbed me by my wrist.

"Rosie chill !! This is something that happened BEFORE you. Something I can not change or undo. You're making our children cry! Stop your fucking bitching !" He yelled shaking my arms

I could tell this is something that bothered him as well. He was scared.

Ariana Screaming grabbing onto her fathers shirt and Romeo crying in his stroller.

I made sure I pumped before I left and gave him a bottle , we don't do those pacifiers.

The elevator got to our floor, the door open everyone waiting had a crazy expression on their face. Derek's neck bleeding a little from one of my nails, his face was all red. I looked down and pushed out the stroller as he picked up Ari carrying her out .

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