Chapter 25: A Party Aint A Party UNTIL..?

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A few days later

Everything eventually died down and life as we knew it was finally getting back to a happy ever after.

That night Derek took us down to the precinct or suspiciously behind it. I still think he met a crooked cop that night in jail. After Samantha told Derek about her situation, he seemed okay about it from what I saw. Deep inside, he was pissed. The baby sister that he was raising all his life would soon become a parent of her own. He wasn't having that. In my mind, he was being a hypocrite since I became a mother to his daughter around her age.

At that time of night, it was nippy outside. Derek and Angelo waited outside of the car. Samantha looked at me scared. Honestly, after all these years I'm shocked that someone is still afraid of something. Well, She has never had to go through what I've been through. I guess I was the common denominator between the two who "betrayed" Banks.

Whatever we came here to do, it couldn't have been dangerous. He allowed his kids to be here. After thinking for a minute, It came to me. Derek wanted to find the babies father, who better to find the person that someone in uniform. He wanted to do this the somewhat legal way, but still under the table so he could have at him.

After 15 minutes a dark car pulled up. Derek slightly turned his head and gave me a strange look. Which still to this day had me guessing.

Two light skin Men in Black looking fellas stepped out the car and sat on the hood of his car. I looked at the license plate, it wasn't from around here. They sat and talked for a minute, but I could not make out what they were saying. Derek turned back to our car and motioned come here. He mouthed the name Samantha. She looked at me scared.

"Girl if you don't knock that fear outta you, I will. You can't be in this world afraid. That's how it takes advantage of you." I gave her a deadass face.

She took a deep breath and got out the car.

I wasn't getting ready to join her and leave my kids in the cold car absolutely not!

She walked over to Derek, he put his arm around her.

Of course, I still could not make out anything that was being said, but I saw Fear enter Samantha's body then leave.

This deal or whatever was taking too long for me. I reached over to the drivers seat and flashed the lights.

One of the Men In Black looking guys got fearful I noticed. Derek explained and walked over to the car.

"Yes baby?" He sounded annoyed

It kind of turned me on when he called me baby like we ain't just have an issue a day ago.

"Umm, your kids are tired and need to get home."I said aggressively

"Yeah, no problem. We about to finish up right now." he tapped the car and left

I kept watching for a few more minutes. Romeo was hungry so I feed him homemade milk.

I was taken by surprise when Derek pulled out a watt load of cash from his pocket and give it to both the guys.

Oh fuck no, I knew he not holding out on me.

They started walking back to the car in the order the left. Sammy came back first and Derek and Angelo slowly followed.

They all got back into the car, letting off the cold air from the bodies. I pulled sleeping Ari closer and covered Rome.

"Soooo, What happened?" I asked

Derek and Angelo just looked at me, then turned their attention to the two guys pulling off.

"They put an APB out on anyone who was there at that party." Sammy said rolling her eyes

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