Why did i have to fall for the badass? *sigh*

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I felt tears all from my eyes; I looked at my new house and felt angriness build up inside me.

How could they do this to me! I screamed in my mind and more tears started to fall.

"Honey come on stop crying and help me get the stuff out of the car" my mother Amelia exclaimed and I quickly wiped my tears.

"I don't get why you are crying so much I mean this is the perfect house for us and you're whining about it" she said again and I kept quiet, I knew that if I talked I would only earn myself a slap in the face.

I took everything out of the car and I walked up to my new house, I sighed and walked inside.

My life was everything any kid wanted and dreamed about, I was filthy rich and my dad was never home; mostly because he was on business trips or mostly on vacation.

He never took me on his vacations because he said I was too immature, he took my mom a lot but the real reason he never took me was that he never really wanted me as a daughter.

He always wanted a baby boy so that his son would fall into his footsteps, well what if he would have turned out gay! Then what would he do.

Well for now he has to deal with this 5'2 foot, black haired and gray eyed freak of a daughter he has.

I went upstairs to my room and lay on my bed (guess what! The house came furnished already) I finally sat up and started taking my clothes out and putting them in my closet.

I was born in Venezuela (Spanish place in South America) and tomorrow I would be starting school and I have to get my lines straight (a/n: by lines straight she means she needs to get her act together).

I was a very shy and sensitive person but don't get me mad because I will blow up in your face. Was finally done, I wiped my hands on my jeans and went to take a shower.

That night I slept like a baby, even though I didn't feel comfortable in the house. I woke up to the sound of the birds chirping, psh! Yeah right the radio woke me up with some screamo music and I fell from my bed.

I rubbed my temples, crap I'm gonna get a migraine, I thought and stood up. Sigh, since I already took a shower last night I didn't have to take a shower now! Ha.

I put on some jeans and gray long sleeve shirt, on top of that I put on my black sweater, I smiled at my reflection just like I wanted to be seen as...the loser.

I never really liked attention, in Venezuela I was popular and I did not enjoy it. I laughed to myself and grabbed my book bag, I was already used to the hotness because in my hometown it was really really hot every day (a/n: I was born there and each time it rained vapor came out of the streets).

I had to take the bus since I was 15 but I don't really care, I went downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Mira luna maría (yep my name is luna maría Bonilla) vas a tener que quedarte en la casa sola por un mes porque me voy de vacaciones con tu papa, okay" (look you're gonna have to stay home alone because I'm going on a vacation with your dad, okay).

"Si mama" (yes mom) I replied boringly and sighed, I got myself a granola bar and a water bottle

"I'm leaving because I don't want to be late for the bus chao" I said and walked out of my house and headed to the bus stop, I looked ahead and saw that I was almost there.

"What ever" a voice hissed and I tripped

"Flippers" I screamed and hit my knee

"Crap you okay?" a voice asked and I nodded, why do I always have to fall I thought and stood up. I examined my knee and saw that there wasn't any blood but it was red

"Ay mejor no le digo a mi mama (ugh it's better if I don't tell my mom)" I said to myself and started walking again.

"Um you're welcome" the guy said and I smiled shyly, crap I forgot to say thanks

"Oh um gracias... I mean thanks" I stuttered and he smiled at me

"No problemoo" he replied and I chuckled. I looked at him and realized what he looked like, he had dark blue eyes and was well built he was wearing jeans and a blue Abercrombie shirt his black hair glistened in the street light and he looked kinda gay.

"Hey my names Luna Maria" I said and shook his hand, he looked confused and I laughed

"It means moon Maria, but you can call me moon" I replied and he nodded

"I get it, oh and my names Luke but you can call me lukey" he replied and I nodded.

"So your new here?" he asked and I nodded "cool" he exclaimed and I laughed, we got to the bus stop and everyone was eyeing me and whispering to their friends

"hey why are they staring at me" I asked him and he chuckled

"New girl in school so they're excited to see if you become the new loser or the new popular or just the normal gal" he replied and I nodded.

I looked around and noticed 5 guys hanging around on the bench smoking and hanging with their girlfriends

"Who are they?" I whispered to Luke and he smiled viciously

"Those are the 5 badass guys in school Josh, Justin, Blake, Tristan, and the hottest of all of them Dustin" he said but making Dustin's name sound mysterious.

"Oh" I replied and looked at them, biting my lip I got on the bus, which had arrived here just a second ago, and got ready for the drama to begin.

Great! *sarcasm*

hey ppl hope u liked it the next chapter why b sooo much better

Why did i have to fall for the badass? *sigh*Where stories live. Discover now