Why did i have to fall for the badass? *sigh* Chapter 4!

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Chapter 4

It was the exact replica of my big cuzin (he was like 29), he and I had been really close he was always over protective of me and then our parents had a big fight and his family moved.

I poked his cheek and jumped

"you do know that im real" he replied and stood up

"Cameron?" I asked and he looked confusedly at me, oh my god please tell me I did not just poke my teacher in the face.

"How do you know my name?" he asked and I smiled, I ran to him and hugged him oh god how I missed him so much

"do you remember me?" I asked and he shook his head, I bit my lip and smiled nervously

"im luna maria" I said and he froze, then his lip twitched into a smile

"luna!!!" he exclaimed and hugged me, oh god he was freaking strong crap he lifted me off the floor.

"yep this is a beautiful family reunion, but dude im choking here" I said in a very squeaky voice, he laughed and put me down. I pet him on the head and then hugged him softly

"wow you've grown!!" he exclaimed and I nodded

"and you've grown to what have you been eating!?" I exclaimed and he rolled his eyes, he still acted like a five year old

"hahaha not, wow when I looked at the paper I thought it was someone else but its you!!" he said laughing and I smiled

"yep! So when can we hang out!!?" I asked and he put on a thinking face, I loved his thinking face he rubbed his chin and lifted an eyebrow up.

"Today after school, you can come to my apartment and we can hang out" he stated and I nodded, I loved hanging out with him.

"Okay, now go take a seat cause the students are watching us" he said and pushed me toward the first seat on the first row, I smiled and sat down this made my day !


Did yu like it!!! its a family reunion !!! :) welll i hope you liked itttt now luna maria might have some1 to look out for her! yayyy

vote comment and fannn pleaseeee :) love you guyss

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2010 ⏰

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