Why did i have to fall for the badass?? *sigh* chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I sat next to Luke and he started telling me the whole shabam of the 5 mystery guys.

"Okay there's not really much to tell I mean these guys have been friends since kindergarten, the first day they all fought for the same color crayon and bam! They instantly became friends" he said and took a deep breath.

"They matured over the years and now they rule this school, I mean I've known them until now which is our junior year" he said and I nodded

"I'm in my sophomore year but I think I have some advanced classes" I replied and the bus stopped at the bus circle. I got off the bus and Luke waved bye

"Guess ill see you around" he said and walked away

"How will I get around?" I asked and he shrugged

"Figure it out" he replied and walked away, so much for a nice friend; I looked around and saw what looked like the front entrance. Might as well give it a try, I thought and walked to the entrance. When I got to the door I sighed and opened it, I looked around and saw that everyone was spread out in groups, there was music and teachers where nowhere to be seen

"the new girls here!" someone screamed and everyone stared at me, I got nervous and started fiddling with my fingers soon I realized was standing there like an idiot so I ran to the office. I ran inside and once I was there I leaned against the door and closed my eyes

"ahem?" a voice grunted and I stood up straight, it was the old lady in front desk

''um yeah I need my schedule, my name is Luna Maria Bonilla" I said quickly and she nodded, she typed the things into the computer and printed my schedule.

"here you go honey and come here tomorrow morning again to get your ID" she said and I nodded smiling

"thanks have a good day" I replied and she smiled at me, she was nice maybe I could bring her a cupcake.

"you know you could just tell her that you where using protection and she would believe you" Luke said to Tristan and then turned his head toward me, I smiled nervously and walked away with my head down. And to top it off I tripped on my own feet and all my papers fell out of my folder

"seriously I have to keep falling!" I whisper yelled to myself and everyone in the hallway laughed, I picked up all of my stuff and stood up

"um dude, girl or whatever your schedule is on the floor" Tristan muttered and walked away

"okay?" I replied and picked my schedule up and started looking at my classes

Warrington high school

Luna Maria Bonilla ________ Grade:11 (sophomore)

locker #: 809 ________ Lunch:B

1st: Advanced science Teacher: Mrs. Swinerton

2nd: World Geo. Teacher: Mr. Colbeth

3rd: Adv. Home Ec. Teacher: Mr. Cullen

4th: Free period Lunch none

5th: Adv. Physical education Teacher: Ms. Tremor

6th: Adv. Lang arts Teacher: Mr. Forman

7th: Adv. Mathematics Teacher: Mrs. Collie

8th: Adv. Spanish Teacher: Mrs. Paola

Lock combination: 24-36-35


"Wow, the advance Spanish is an easy A" I said to myself while looking for my locker, I found it and put my stuff in it. I grabbed my book and looked for my 1st hour, in a matter of minutes I had found it and I was the earliest one there.

"Hello" I said to the teacher and she smiled

"hey welcome to my class you must be Luna Maria" she said with her thick Tennessee mispronouncing my first name

"yes and you can just call me Maria" I replied and she nodded in relief

"um take a seat anywhere you want since your early" she said and looked down to her papers. I sat in the farthest seat front the front and read my book, the bell rang to motion students that it was time to start class and soon the kids pilled into the classroom, they all seemed confused to see a younger looking unfamiliar girl in the room but they shrugged it off and just talked to each other about the new girl. The 5 mystery guys came in and every girl fixed themselves up, some even had boyfriends and they still didn't care.

"I hope Dustin sits next to me the slutty girl in front of me said and I rolled my eyes, her boobs where practically popping out of her shirt. All the guys took a seat except for Dustin, the only seats left where the slutty girl in front of me and the one next to me. Please sit next to her, I thought and he started walking toward thee slutty girl and I sighed in relief but he passed her desk and went to mine.

"ugh crap" I muttered and he winked the slut

"may I sit here?" he asked in a soft voice and I rolled my eyes

"sureee why not" I muttered in a bored tone and he grinned, son of a gun! I screamed in my head an scooted over

"so why are you in this class? He asked and I shrugged

"I study and get good grades" I replied and looked at the board where the notes where

"do you have a piece of paper and pencil" I asked him and he nodded handing me a paper and pencil

"thanks" I replied and the girls gasped, I looked around and shrugged

"so you do know that I just gave you paper and pencil" he said and I nodded

"sooo?" I asked and he chuckled, oh wait I get it I thought and smiled

"I know what I'm supposed to do" I replied and I winked at him, he smiled and I took in a deep breath

"oh thank you so much! How can I repay you for letting me use this pencil and paper my beloved king" I said loudly and he turned red

"miss Maria please don't disrupt my class" the teacher said chuckling and I nodded

"happy" I whispered to Dustin and he glared at me

"filled with pleasure" he muttered and I smiled

"good" I said and with that the conversation ended.

This meant war to him and I would probably loose but why not give it a try...

~~~heyy people hope you liked it comment and vote!!!!!!!!!!!! love you guyss!~~~~!

Why did i have to fall for the badass? *sigh*Where stories live. Discover now