So... (update)

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First, I apologize for the lack in updates. A friend I met online actually came and stayed at my house for a few days!! It was really exciting.
Second, I can't really upload art like I used to anymore...
See, I use a special camera app to take pictures on my phone, and from there I have to export them as jpgs to somewhere. Since I upload art to DeviantArt on my computer, I always export my jpgs to Dropbox which allows me to access these files both on phone AND computer. This worked really really well for a while, but in the past few weeks Wattpad hasn't been letting me upload art from Dropbox anymore... Every time I try, a message pops up reading something like: "Photo cannot be added right now, try again later."
I have tried for weeks.
Nothing works.
So, basically I think I'm going to have to do this from now on:
1. Export photos to Dropbox
2. Write posts at uploading time (I used to write a bunch of parts at a time as drafts, then publish them as I went along and copy and paste to DeviantArt.)
3. Upload photos to DeviantArt
4. Copy photo location
5. Use that url to transfer to Wattpad

So, I might update a little slow for a while as I get used to that whole new routine, but I just wanted to let you all know what was going on.
Thanks for all who actually read through that whole thing!
- Sunbeam 🐉

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