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The zodiacs reaction when they first saw the creepypastas:

Aries: runs towards them at full force with anything they put hands on or will run away as fast as they can seeking safety

Taurus: would try to make friends no matter how scary or how unsettling your guest is. You might probably be very stubborn or will put up a fight

Gemini: surprisingly will accept their fate or will trick the creepypasta Into a trap in Wich they will decide the creepypasta's fate yourself

Cancer: get overly emotional to try and make the creepypasta uncomfortable but then realize it won't work so they fight for your life

Leo:  you will recognize the creepypasta and might fangirling/fanboying infront of them

Libra: will probably snap after living in constant fear of seeing the man with no face again they isolate themselves for many years sadly

Virgo: might of been trying to hide from them from a long time and they live in constant paranoia of being found and killed so they go insane or get very clinically depressed

Scorpio: you will probably cuss at the thing making noises in another room while you're  scared shitless because you've been living alone for the past year

Capricorn:  they fight back with all their strength. They're very scared of dying and won't take your cowardice for an answer

Sagittarius: for some Reason you're out at the park at 3 am trying to run away from the thing that's been following you for the past 5 years

Aquarius: they stay silent after finding a figure outside of they're door. They're hidding in their bedroom closet cluthing a kichen knife

Pisces: they've probably have been working on hunting these things with their family for many years so they  know exactly what to do when they finally see one in real life which hasn't happened yet surprisingly

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