15 happy new years :)

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How the signs kill:

Aries: don't waste time at all. The scariest part of them choosing their victims is that they don't really think about it they just choose them out of the blue. One of the most badass killers out there tbh really give no fucks. Probably has 20 tattoos

Taurus: stalks first for a very long time and learns everything about them. They collect data. The murder is gonna be preformed in an unusual way that no one wants to die in. Love your family? Well I'm killing you in front of them how about that..

Gemini: really changes things up u know like one day they stab their victims and the next they stab them. Not predictable which makes then really scary

Cancer: they kill the people they don't like in a very brutal way (ex: removal of limbs) probably 2nd scariest killer out there tbh probably friends with aquarius/ Pisces and likes to kill with others (in groups)

Leo: gain their victims trust before killing them. Kills when they're mad. Usually just makes their victims disappear without any evidence and when the search for the victims is over leo would probably hang the body of a building or something for everyone to see. They can't call you a backstabbing bitch if they aren't alive

Virgo: somehow makes murder a beautiful art. A serial killer / creepypasta legend known for their skills and tactics, almost like a ballet performance with bodies, blood, and death. Beautiful but yet disturbing and perplexing. Very well known in the creepypasta universe

Libra: kills at 3 am. They're the urban legend mothers tell their children so they behave well. Watches over you while on top of street lights. The reason why street lights flicker. When all the street lights around you go out you know he/she/they're here and it's your time

Scorpio: rock the black aesthetic when killing and leave their initials around the murder scene cause they know they won't get caught. They play with the victims mind and usually makes it look like a suicide. Targets middle aged men and women

Sagittarius: kills at school bathrooms / basements. Usually kills popular highschool snobs. Follows students home and messes up family relationships 

Capricorn: kills with a knife and a knife only. Usually wears those face masks that cover your mouth and nose only. Likes to torture first then kill when they get bored. Chaotic evil

Aquarius: likes to kill like the classic horror movie bad guys. Before they even kill their victims they send a video tape of very disturbing things (ex: like the sinister movie) to drive them to the edge. Make them die a miserable death

Pisces: honestly probably drugs their victim and kill them. They scatter the remains around the woods so when someone finds them and screams they have a next kill. Probably 306 years old

I'm very sorry I haven't been feeding you guys well with this book u gh I love you all thanks for somehow sticking with me   💖💖💖
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