Chapter IX:Never Ending

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One Week Later
Kandice P.O.V.

I adjusted my red baseball cap and tightened my honey blonde ponytail and grabbed my gold circle framed glasses,as I checked myself out in the mirror. "You ready to go?" Kareem said slapping the bill of my cap. I turned around and sighed. "As ready as I'll ever be, just let me get my jacket..." I grabbed my jacket as Kareem held the door open the door for me and slapped my butt as I walked past. Just to fill you in just a little bit,since the incident I've been staying with Kareem and I've only been in contact with Kai & Nany.I still don't know how to make up what happened that day and the way Nariah looked and screamed at me. Therefore I did what I do best... And that's to run. Tonight the crew minus Skye and Quinton were all finally getting together and bowling. Kareem had to force me to go otherwise I guarantee you little Miss Kandice would be in his T-shirt watching reruns of Love and Hip Hop ATL. The ride to the bowling alley was about 15mins and as Kareem was driving he was caressing my hand attempting to give me words of encouragement so I could calm down. But it wasn't working.
Kai P.O.V.

It's been a week since I heard from David which was kind of strange because he would normally be blowing up my phone, but since that day at the hospital I haven't heard a word and I even sent a little thank you to him and not one reply. On top of that I had taken to Nariah to two appointments and I swear to you at the most recent appointment there was a woman in there who looked just like April and she had a little girl along side her. I shook it off maybe it was stress,at least that's what Joseph's been saying. Joe and I are still friends but we've most definitely gotten closer than ever before. I sat on Kandice still unmade bed as Nariah walked out the bathroom and collapsed in my arms balling her eyes out.

"Kai, why the fuck is this happening to me?" Nariah said whimpering.

I rubbed her back as a couple tears fall from my face." Honestly baby, this is nothing but a test. In order for you to have a testimony God is going to put you through somethings that you would never imagine. And at that time you may not know why but you'll get through it. I promise."

Skye P.O.V.

I walked through the halls of Hillsford County Jail knots in my stomach. I sat down only to spot my brother on the other side of the glass. He picked up the phone as I shook my head no repeatedly. I finally gained the courage to grab the phone. And for another 5minutes we sat in silence. "Why did you do it?" I whispered.
"Why did you do it?" I asked once again. He just looked at me."Why did you do it Q?"

"You wouldn't understand." He mumbled.

"Then make me understand Quinton." I said louder. At this point I was trembling. "Quniton make me understand?"

Quinton sighed and just looked at me. "Mommy and daddy Q, mommy and daddy...What has gotten into you?"

"You not gone understand"

"You keep saying it yet you won't give me a chance. There's nothing that you could ever say that will justify what you did to someone I called a friend damn near a sister... When she lay in that hospital bed and said you did that to her I stood up for YOU! And boy was I dumb."

"You're not dumb,you stood up for blood. That's what your suppose to do."

" When you stand up for blood like you. You end up like mommy and daddy Q!"

"Chill out man I ain't never gone be remotely close to them!"

"But you are and honestly why am I surprised that it got to this point? You ain't shit but a product of your environment. Daddy abused mommy all our lives. Do you not remember 2012 where he shot her? Or do you just not care? Your just like that man!" I said angrily as I slammed the phone and got up. As I gathered my belongings he screamed "She's pregnant! "

I walked back and picked up the phone, "Who?"

"She's two months... Mahogany..."

"Not an excuse, your just like daddy Q,just like him. I love you but I can't do this. Get your shit together bro!"

Kai P.O.V.

"Damn Loto your girl got y'all losing!" Kareem said laughing.

"It's Nany's fro baby, it keeps getting bigger!" Kandice said laughing as she placed her legs across Kareem's lap.

"Y'all talking mad trash but y'all 2nd to last." Joseph said playfully, "Kai it's your turn. You get a strike and I got a gift for you." He whispered in my ear. "Really it better be good...oh sh*t this my jam!!!" Sorry by Beyonce came on and everyone was lit. " You only want me when I'm not there...You better call Becky with the good hair!...YOU BETTA CALL BECKY WITH THE GOOD HAIR!" I rolled the ball and I got a strike my 2nd one of the night. Joe and I won so that meant when we went to Shake,Rattle and Roll we didn't have to pay. The tension was still high but it felt good to have the crew around. Nariah was very isolated the whole time and only made conversation myself and Mike but I understood why.
Skye P.O.V.

Staying in my room crying wasn't going to help. Shit by now I should be numb to the pain. It's like history has repeated itself. I'm like lost so I do without thinking and headed to Shake,Rattle and Roll.
"Thank you for coming out, I know it seems a little strange but it's needed." I said.

"Yea, I guess." The girl stated.

"You didn't have to bring back up  you know. I come in peace."

Sitting in front of me was Mahogany and her friend Nicki. For Mahogany to only be 2months she was starting to poke. "I mean what else can I do? Every time I'm around you Skye shit goes down you always manage to put your crummy hands on me."

"Right and I'm not about to let that shit happen. Especially since she pregnant." Nicki said. Just as she said that of course in walks the crew and all heads turned to us. I spotted Nariah  walking towards us angrily her scratches had faded but her eye was still swollen and her leg in a cast. For her to be in a cast she was moving fast as hell Mikey nor Kai were able to stop her. She came in like a bull and slapped the hell out Mahogany, Nicki stood up instantly but I grabbed her. Mike picked up Nariah  as she was still swinging she hit me twice the rest of the crew tried to calm the situation down and just leave. As Nariah was being taken out she yelled,"Skye this what we doing? You ain't even called to check up on me. Ya dumb bitch! I'm 3weeks pregnant but please understand when I give birth all y'all asses are mine!"

I know it short but I haven't put anything out in forever more is coming soon. Especially regarding Quinton and Mahogany, Kai and Joe and David little triangle, the pregnancies and Skye and Nariah's friendship as well as her friendship with Kandice. Just bear with me!

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