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"Yes these girls are just as strong as their male counter parts, with a few more desirable parts if I may hehehe~"Akio let out a perverse chuckle as he was obviously speaking about how um bodaciously blessed Natsumi and Lexi were. To put it in plain English he was talking about their giant boobs. Yes they even make me look flatechested...
"Not only that but when I created them I added a pinch of Yuri and lots of Yandere!!"Akio said fanboying.
"Alright! Let the first challenge begin! Teams get ready, set, go!!"
I quickly ran over to Levi's foot and hid behind it. Steph was right beside me.
"Mercy? Aren't yandere's psychotically possessive?"Steph shivered "yep" I replied "and did he just say a pinch of Yuri?"
"FUCK!!!!" Steph crawled up Natsu's pant leg making him shriek then came out through the collar of his shirt and onto his shoulder. "PROTECT ME! YOU BETTER WIN THIS CHALLENGE I DO NOT WANNA BE STUCK WITH A YANDERE!!"
"I'm all fired up now!"Natsumi' s feminine voice said before she let out a "meow~."
"Hey! That's my line!"
"Natsu I don't care who's line it is!! Don't fucking lose!!" Steph squeaked. Natsumi then jumped on Natsu and began to try to wrestle him for Steph.

"Hand over the girl" Lexi strutted this way, she was dressed in the same clothes as Levi but with a more feminine shape, and the top buttons of her shirt were unbuttoned showing about as much cleavage as all anime girls show. (EVERY FUCKING INCH).
Levi quickly grabbed me gently in his hand "Fat chance" Levi scoffed. The woman's tail swatted and her eyes narrowed as her ears went straight back.
Levi placed me in his breast pocket right before Lexi came at him ready to send him a kick which his dodged right away.
She then swipped at him with long clawlike fingernails.
Levi kicked and hit her in the gut but she used her tail to grab onto him before tumbling back and pulling him with her.
"Give her to me now!"
"Hell no!"

He fell on top of her, where she took the advantage and flipped him over getting on top to grab for me. Luckily Levi grabbed her hands tightly to keep her from grabbing me.

All the while Natsu and Natsumi where rolling around and they hadn't noticed at some point they had accidentally tossed Steph off somewhere and didn't hear her yell "Mice can't fly!!"

Lexi dug her claws into Levi's hands "fucking cunt.." Levi hissed and then she bit him on the hand. Something made him quickly whence and grab it.
Seeing that Lexi was going to try to grab me I jumped out of his pocket and ran away on all fours.
I was followed by a ruckus of footsteps, Lexi was after me.
"Don't run away from me..Piglet."
I kept running as fast as I could, but suddenly I felt a yank on my tail and was finding my self off the ground.
"Don't run from me"Lexi said and ruffled my hair with her finger.
"If you run I'll have to bite your little head off"
I was shaking in fear and then answered "You're a very beautiful woman! BUT I am NOT a lesbian"
"Not yet" she purred and dangled me in from of her face, I shivered in disgust.
Then all of a sudden a there was the sound of a growl that sounded like a large cat (like a puma or panther).
Rustling filled our ears and something was moving through the forest fast. Lexi was looking around whatever it was she couldn't pin point it's location but it was circling up.
Lexi's grip tightened around me, all I could  see was a blur tackle her to the ground and made her drop me. I tumbled over and look up to see Levi with cat ears and a tail? He had knocked Lexi down and his ears were straight back. He looked beyond pissed.
"Kept your hands off my woman cunt" he growled. His pupils were vertical slits.

I was about run but, Lexi pounced after me again grabbing "she's my woman now prick" she hissed then put me in a suffocating place for safe keeping.

Mercy:*shivers* The horror.

I was squished and horrified, though most men would be perfectly fine with dying in my current location. Lexi continued to run at full speed while Levi followed close behind.
I then felt her step on a bump.

Third person

What Lexi had stepped on was indeed not a bump but a Stephanie. A now very pissed off Stephanie who quickly grabbed onto Levi's leg before he could step on her and climbed up to his back.
He glanced back at her "Whatever you do don't drop me" Steph said "What the hell Jackson?"
"You cannot leave me hear to get stepped on again, please I'm begging you"Steph said hanging tightly onto his shirt.
"Don't fall off" he said then grumbled something about Natsu being a complete and utter idiot.
Levi saw an opening "Hang on tight" he ordered Steph and then climbed up a nearby tree and used it to launch himself onto Lexi.
He kneed her hard in the gut knocking the wind out of her and making her hold her stomach.
"I'll be taking this" he then stuck his hand in her cleavage and pulled out the traumatized captive. "I'm free!" She cried before being placed in the males breast pocket.
"Stop traumatizing my cousin!!"Steph yelled "Levi kick her ass she stepped on me!!"
"You do realise I could eat you and hed let me" she said panting still hurt.

Steph squeaked and ran into Levi's pocket with Mercy "scoot over Mercy"
"Natsu!! She's trying to eat me!!" Steph yelled.

Far off in the distance, there was a female Neko and a new male Neko that heard that cry for help and yelled "Stephanie!!"
Lexi regained her strength and was about to pounce on Levi, but two others jumped on her.
"Leave Steph alone!" They both said.
Levi saw this as a chance to run away he grabbed Natsu while Natsumi was attacking Lexi and showed him that Steph was with him, with that the two slipped away.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2016 ⏰

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