The Winter Soldier

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters, just the plot of this short story.
This is for the Winterwitch contest that ahsokatanos made.

The Avengers were out on a mission in attempt to find Zemo after the stunt that he pulled the last time. They were not going to easily allow him to escape from their grasps this time. They had been tracking him down for days until they finally got a lead on him. It lead them to a deserted building. The team- Steve, Sam, Wanda, and Bucky- separated to cover more ground in search of him. Bucky made his way through room after room in the level that he was assigned to.

"Find anything James," Wanda silently buzzed through his ear piece.

They had both been together for a while now and had promised each other to remain in contact throughout the mission. Wanda was scared of the possibility of Zemo finding him and her not being there to aid him.

"Not yet." He paused for a moment, picking up on some footsteps. "Wait, I think I have something," he whispered back.

"James wait for me I'll be down there in a moment," came in her response.

But Bucky was too stubborn and impatient to just let him get away. He knew that he should have waited for back up but he was furious at Zemo and was powered by vengeance. He followed the sound to a room. Scanning the room he found nothing.

"Never mind Doll the room's empty. I'll be on my way over to you now," he reached out to her.

Suddenly the doors to the room closed.

"The Winter Soldier," bellowed Zemo.

Bucky hung his head low "Shit," he breathed out.

"What, what is i-" Wanda muttered out before Zemo cut off the signal. "James!" Nothing but static was heard.


The sound of the first word reverberated through his ears. He cringes at the recognition of the word. "What are you doing?" he spits out through gritted teeth.


The second word pulls him to the ground in agony as a ringing echoes throughout his skull.


He clutches onto his head, covers his ears, in hope that this living nightmare would stop.


He peers up at him and makes an effort to run up at him.


Only to falter and stop mid-step.


He trudges on forward getting closer and closer, but not soon enough. With each word he was transforming into the monster that everyone feared.


The monster that he dread.


The Winter Soldier was taking over.


With one last bit of effort he continued to cling onto his sanity, tears beginning to slip out. Just as he's about to throw a punch at him until the last word rings out. He was hanging on a thread, slipping, losing it.

"Freight car"

Only to fall.


"Ready to comply."

With a sinister smirk Zemo replied, "Bring me the witch, we'll need her. Take down anyone that gets into your way."

Rebirth (Winterwitch)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz