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"Huh!" Bucky sits up, fully awake.

Bucky awakens very suddenly and confused. He realizes that he's in the medical facility with several plugs around his head and ongoing beeping of machines as his background.

"Oh you're awake," replies a doctor in amazement as if some miracle was occurring. Bucky cranes his head towards the voice.

"I was beginning to think that you were going to sleep for another day or so. What can I get you, lunch?" he asks politely.

"What happened?" Bucky asks propping himself up on the medical bed and rubbing his palms into his eyes.

"She did it, ha she's brilliant. She restored you're mind to how it was, amazingly without taking away your memories." He turns to a screen showing his brain activity. "But hey you're a free man now James."

"What did you say?" he asked confused.

"She took away the mind control effect that Hydra had on you, you can no longer be controlled." He took out his clipboard flipping through some pages until he found what he was looking for. "Look. Longing, Rusted-

"Woah Woah, what are you doing!"

The doctor kept on going "Furnace. Daybreak. Seventeen. Benign. Nine. Homecoming. One. Freight car. See nothing!" he let out in exclamation. "Those words are merely just words Mr. Barnes."

Bucky let out a sigh of relief and ran a hand through his hair when it struck him- Wanda.

He emerged from the bed and took off the several plugs that were connected to his head and his way out of the infirmary.

"Wait Mr. Barnes! I want to run a few more tests," He screamed at him as he ran down the hallway.

He made his way to the living room area of the Avengers facility. He scanned the room in search for Wanda and finds her in the kitchen preparing herself a cup of tea. He stood across from her.

"Nice to see you're up James, sleep well," she turned away from her cup and smiled up at him.

"Thank you," he was at a loss for words and could only think of these first two words.

"For what? Your mind? You don't need to thank me James, it's completely unnecessary."

"No, no I need to repay you."

He goes up to her while she continues to stare down at her cup.


He cuts her off with a kiss. He gently caresses her cheek as she does the same. They both part after a couple of seconds. He rests his forehead onto hers having to crane his head a bit downwards due to her height being a bit shorter than his. She continues to keep her hand at his cheek and gazes up at his piercing blue eyes.

"I'm sorry for almost hurting you Doll."

"That's okay, you're okay now is what really matters."

"Does everyone know?"

"Yes, we've been waiting for you to wake up to tell you the news."

"Did you see it all?" he asks his voice breaking and parting from her.

"Mhhm, I also felt it. I'm so sorry." She held onto his hand and squeezed it.

"You didn't do any of it Doll. I'm alright now. Don't worry about me."

Steve moved closer to the couple, glad to see his friend.


He moved away from Wanda and closer to Steve.

"Steve. I-I remember. Everything. It-it was incredible what Wanda did. Man am I happy to have her. She brought back everything," Bucky described in amazement.

Bucky decided to give him a hug and a tear slipped out. Steve let out a sigh of relief, "It's great to have you back."

He was Bucky. Just as he should be. He released from his embrace and ran his hand through his hair. He let out a small smile just as Wanda slipped her hand through his bionic arm. The presence of the Winter Soldier slipped away from him. No longer a part of him, only a ghost. He was dead, and Bucky was reborn.

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