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Important author's note at the end


James Potter,

I've finally experienced ying-yang.

Ying; you asked me to Hogsmede. Like on an actual date. I almost fainted.

Yang; I've been diagnosed with an illness. Not a physical illness that eats away at your body but a metal one. Yes, there is something wrong with my brain that makes me worry or fear on a greater scale than normal.

Madame Pomfrey has told me that I need to come to the hospital wing every morning and every night and any time I feel too anxious.

I can understand that I have anxiety. I mean I fainted when I first got my Hogwarts letter, my body shakes when I get scared or worried and I feel nauseous.

Well anyway, I now have to take a bottle of drugs with me everywhere in case I can't reach the hospital wing in time.

Love Always,


So my own anxiety has been getting worse again. And with that, I exclude myself from lots of things. I know you guys from the Internet might want to talk to me to help but it's really not, for me specifically. I just need to talk to someone actually face to face. So, please refrain from commenting,"do you wanna talk about it?" I understand that you care but it makes me worse. Anyway, thanks for understanding.

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