Chapter 24 - Day 197

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We'd come to an agreement int eh last few days. and underground system connecting all three of the main bases together. The boys were working on it, along with Bonks. I'd excused myself saying something along the lines of 'it's my time of the month' and they didn't dare ask any more questions. Although I haven't been on since we arrived in the game so that's a plus. I was in fact in front of the main trapdoor landscaping. It was something I'd always obsessed about not matter how long I played. Changing the landscape to my will. I had chopped down all the tree and built new ones. They climbed up high, it was a apin to do it without creative. I'd built drooping leaves and was filling in a lake with glowstone at the bottom. There was a seat that I made from one of the branches on the tree. Using string I'd made it into a kind of swing seat that went over the lake. I was glad it worked. It had been a shot in the dark at the time. when the lake was filled in I added a few lilypads and got straight on the swings. Throwing my armour off and knowing I'd be safe - I'd lit everything up with glowstone and torches. I let out a cry of joy and ran for the swing. Jumping on it and enjoying the feeling of going freely through the air. The wind blew through my hair and sent it flying in all directions when I went backwards. I was giggling like a three-year old.

"Your time of month my arse!" Someone called. I looked over from the swing and saw Seto glaring playfully up at me. "How the hell did you manage all this?"

"Time, practice and patience!" I replied.

"Oh whatever, let me on!" He exclaimed. I laughed and slowed the swing down until it was at a reasonable momentum for him to jump on beside me. We squashed on together and attempted to work together pulling the string to go forward.

Co-op maps to the extreme.

"Come on, Seto, at least make an effort!" I yelled at him.

"I'm trying!" he whined. He was trying to pull it but not in time with me.

"Right, three, two, one, pull." I counted him in. He obeyed and we kept that rhythm. Eventually we were soaring through the air. I shouted out in joy. You could see over the tree-tops and beyond. It was like being at the top of the jungle trees but better. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the motion. Seto suddenly held and clung onto me with one arm. The other was holding the string so he didn't fall off. I held onto him just as tight so our grasp didn't break and we'd both go flying off. I realised why so many kinds and parents make swings out of tires now, they are amazing.

Quite literally.

I desperately needed to go to a park soon.

And just hog the swings.

Because fuck you kids, you're arseholes.

I heard a shout from below us and Bonks was looking up with Jerome.

"Let us have a go!" Bonks called. Jerome seemed more taken back by it.

"Did you build all this?" He asked.

"Yeah!" I called as me and Seto pulled the swing to a stop.

"It's awesome, dood! You should have been building for servers and stuff." Jerome complimented. The instant we got off the swing Bonkers rushed onto it and instantly spread herself as wide as possible.

"Mine!" She called before pushing herself.

"Holy shit, what happened out here?" Another person called.

"Fawn's been busy!" Seto called to Sky and Ty, who had appeared looking very confused. Husky also popped out with Jason and it wsn't long until the full crew was out here. While they all fought over who got the swing I tugged Seto behind the tree. I'd made a small bench in the tree, the trunk curving around and covering it from any kinds of weather. I plopped myself down and Seto sat next to me.

"It's nice here, isn't it?" I asked him. The sounds of the rest of the group were in the distance.

"Yeah." He replied, leaning on my shoulder.

There it was again.


"It's like a giant group of kids here. It's as amazing as I'd thought it would be." I told him.

"Yeah, if only we'd met under slightly more normal circumstances." Seto commented.

"We did, before everything happened. That's probably the only reason I haven't killed you at that point." I said. He looked at me in shock.

"You were planning to kill me?" He exclaimed. I shrugged.

"I only kept you alive because I needed someone to talk to. It's hard being on your own for so long, you crave for human contact." I replied. I could tell he was rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, because that's perfectly normal." He said sarcastically.

"Would you like me to lock back in there and see how long you last with no human interaction?" I asked him rhetorically. when there was no answer I added on "Exactly."

"Why're you keeping me alive now?" He asked. I paused.

"Because... I love you." I said. He smiled and kissed my forehead. I then jumped up and kissed him deeply on the lips. I won't go into too much detail about the make-out session but leave you one little detail.

No, Jesus fucking Christ it didn't turn into sex you sick minded people.

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