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**Vic's pov**

Making choices was never something I was good at, so my Father made them for me. He chose out what I wore every day, what I ate, how I did my hair, and everything in between. He does it to make me the perfect son, and I go along with it because that's how I like it. I like to be painted in my Father's perfect image; the perfect, normal, Christian son who helps out with his Church Camp.

There's one thing that my Father can't control about me. Of course, I tell him what he wants to hear, but it's actually the opposite. He doesn't know it, and thinks that I'm attracted to girls. I'm not, though. Girls disgust me and make me cringe when thinking of having any kind of sexual relation with one. So, yeah, I like boys, but my father doesn't know that. He won't know it, ever.

If my Father ever found out, he would disown me quickly. He wants nothing but perfect, and I guess that's okay. It just kind of sucks that I can't be myself sometimes. If I do be myself, the one that likes boys and not girls, my Father will force me to leave, and/or go to his Camp to try to 'fix' or 'straighten' me.

You see, my dad is the owner and pastor of Fuentes' Conversion Camp. He's a major Christian guy that probably believes in God more than Jesus does. He believes any self-damage, sex before marriage, homosexuality, and so much more is right from the Devil himself. He's literally memorized the Bible, and makes us live by it, and I'm okay with that, as bad as it sounds. It's just what I'm used to.

"Vic, get in here!" My father yelled from the living room. I quickly zipped my suitcase and pulled it behind me as I walked into the living room, seeing Papa standing in front of the body mirror, straightening out his tie and suit coat.

"Yes, sir?" I asked as I peered down at my own outfit; a black button down shirt with black skinny jeans. Seems formal enough. I shrug and look back up at my Father.

"Go tell Mike bye and kiss your Mama goodbye." He tells me and I nod before turning on my heel and walking into the kitchen.

Mama was at the stove as she cooked, and Mike was sitting at the table, playing on his phone. I snorted when seeing that my baby brother had his feet up on the table, getting dirt all over the once clean surface. He also had this slouch and lazy pull to his whole outfit. It was annoying, to be honest, because he wasn't raised in my Father's image like I was. Instead, he was raised in my Mother's image.

I think I'm lucky to be the one that got to be raised in my Father's image. While Mike was lazy and a slop, I was always active and hated messes. My Mama and Papa are complete opposites and made Mike and I the same, because that's how they agreed to do it. In my opinion, it's not the best way to go, but it's worked so far, so I can't complain.

"What are you doing?" Mike asked, his eyes never coming up from his phone.

I scoffed a little and walked passed him to my Mama, wrapping my arms around her from behind. She was quick to turn in my arms and hug me back. I melted into her embrace, sighing softly as I kissed her cheek and mumbled a quick goodbye.

"You have fun, and help your father as much as you can, you hear?" She instructed as she held me tighter, almost strangling me, but not quite.

"Yes, Mama." I agreed and squeezed her one last time before kissing her cheek again and pulling away.

"Oh, my little boy has gotten so big." My mother cooed as she eyed me, stepping closer and pinching my cheeks.

"Mama," I scolded, pushing her hands away. "I'm 19 now, not 5."

"Right, right," She sighed with a frown on her face, and I almost felt bad for hurting her feelings, but she smiled at me just in time. "Just promise me you'll do everything your father tells you to."

"Mama, I will. I have been since I was born." I reminded, raising my brows as I noticed how glossy her eyes were becoming.

"Oh, Vic," She whispered as she pulled me into another hug, tighter this time. "I'm so proud of you."

I smiled widely and hugged her back, burying my face into her shoulder as those five words played through my mind.

I'm so proud of you.

She's proud of me?

Any child loves to hear their parents say that, and I do. It makes me feel like I'm doing everything right. Technically, I am, because my parents make sure I do. But having them say that to me, even if it's just once, it makes me smile, because I'm doing my best to be the best, to be what they want me to be, and they're taking notice.

"Vic, hurry up!" My Father called from the living room and I sighed as I pulled away from my mother after one last squeeze.

"Bye, Mama." I called to her as I ran past Mike and into the living room.

I grabbed my suitcase and followed my father out to the car. He put our stuff in the back and got into the driver's side as I got into the passenger's side. I buckled up and rolled down my window as he started the car. My mother and Mike were standing on the porch, side by side, watching us.

"Bye, you two!" My mother waved, calling out to us.

I smiled and waved back, "Bye, Mama. I love you!"

"I love you too, sweetie. Have fun!" She smiled her genuine smile at me, and that was that for the Summer. My father was pulling out of the driveway and down the road, getting closer and closer to the place where I spent my whole Summer, going through a routine of normal.

Okay, so this is short, but it's kind of an introduction to Vic, the character I'll be writing as.

I hope you guys enjoyed it, and I hope you guys will like it!!

I'll see your beautiful face in the next chapter!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2016 ⏰

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