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This song reminded me of this chapter especially "it's hard to hear your name when I haven't seen you in so long." It just did ok onto the story
-----------------ash's POV-----------------
"ADAM?? ADAM WHERE ARE YOU"I scream. Where is my big brother. I feel are around me. I turn around and see a infected. "AHHHHH ADAM HELP ME!" I scream shoving it away I feel I being pulled off me. I see its head get stomped on. I look up to see Adam. I rape my arms around him in a hug. I began to cry. "Shhh it's ok ash your ok"he calms me down and says "ash I have to leave for a while ok?" "Why?" "I just do," "we'll see each other again one day right?" I ask "then we can be together forever," I continued. "forever,"he says "promise?" I ask him "promise" he assures me. He runs off. Right time for introduction. I'm ash and I'm a day younger than Adam. Now your thinking 'how your twins?' Well Adam was born at 11:59pm and I was born at 12:00 am. Convenient right? Anyway I get up and run outside and take of down the street. I run into a gun shop. Yeah I know I'm 16. Deal with it. I get a pistol and a a.k. 47 with a scope. I grab some ammo and a black backpack and gun holster. I put the ammo in my bag and go to the Kroger. I grab some water bottles 2 things of mio and some cup noodles. I grab some apples and another backpack. I grab some clothes and medical supplies. I run out an head for home. I board up the windows. I head into the living room and turn on the news. Only static...still. Up my back pack and head off. Off into the wild. The wild I go.

------------------5 years later--------------
Hope fully no ones at the White House now. I open the doors so far so good. I walk around until I here people. I hide in the shadows hoping they wouldn't see me. "Who are you," are hear a familiar voice say. Sky. "Who are you?" I ask back "we asked first" well I'll have you know I don't wanna answer with out knowing who you are first," I have to make sure it's him. "I'm sky and these are m friends nick Ross shark ak Barney and Jess," He says. It really was him "I'm ash, ash dauhlburg." I say stepping into the light my hood still up. "Ash..." sky mutters. He walks up to me and pulls off my hood I quickly smack his hand and stop my face from showing. I pull my hood back up and turn away. Tears filling my eyes. "You weren't supposed to know..." I turn back after wiping away my tears. I run at Ross with the bud of my gun. "You killed them!!!" " you killed them killed him, THEY TRYSTED YOU ROSS THEY TRUSTED YOU" I scream slowly breaking down. Nick tells them to hand cuff Ross and sky walks over to me and hugs me. He lets go and asks "who who did he kill?"  "Kaden and kasen." I respond "who were they," he asks "my world," I respond curling in a ball and starting to cry. Adam picks me up and carries me to someone named shark. "Shark take her to a room," shark picks me up and I peek out of my hands to see a boy in sun glasses I reach my hand up and pull them off. "Hey!" He says shocked. I look up at his blue eyes with my brown ones he was cute and I could feel his muscles against his shirt. He opens a door to a room and lays me in a bed. "Thank you," I say as he starts to walk out. I hear him mumble a "your welcome" as he shuts the door. With that I fall asleep.

Good for a first chapter right? Any way I am adding this new book into my schedule it will be posted on Sunday's and run away every Tuesday (almost) and demigod story every Thursday (almost) well gotta go

finding my brother (a crafting dead fanfic)✖️✖️discontinued✖️✖️Where stories live. Discover now