Supply run

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I open my eyes to see we are still in the garden. I look around and see Max is asleep and my head is still on his chest. He opens his eyes, "hey there beautiful," he says grinning at me. I smile and kiss his lips. He kisses back and we pull away. I sit up and stretch my arms out. Max does the same and we stand up walking inside. Max and I walk into the kitchen and I grab an apple and toss it at him along with a water. I grab a apple for my self as well and take a bite from it. I go look for Adam and find him sitting in his room. "Hey Adam what's up?" I ask sitting down. "Nothing, nick and getto were talking about gathering some people for a supply run, if you wanna go with them," he informs me. "Yea I'll go," I say nodding my head. "M'kay well they are leaving in about an hour, so get ready," he tells me. I nod and head into my room and let Max know about the supply run. He says he will go. We grab our guns, me grabbing a m16 and a few clips. Max grabs a sniper and some ammunition. I grab a map and take a red marker. I circle where Max and I left Ross. While we wait for nick, ghetto and apparently ak I run the map over to Adam. I hand it to him and run to the doors where I am supposed to meet the guys. Nick shows up first.  then ghetto and ak.  Finally Max got here and we left. We were heading to an abandon hospital a little north of here. We get there and there are walkers surrounding the front gate. It reminds me of when I met Max.

------------------flash back----------------
I was running from a horde of walkers. I stumble and fell. "Shit," I curse standing up and continuing to run. I found an old abandon house and run inside. I shut the door and lock it putting an old table in front of it. "That won't hold them for Long," I say to my self. I was going to try and call for help. "HELP ME PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!!!" I scream banging on the Windows. "PLEASE HELP ME!" I yell. Then I see a man with red hair start shooting them. He had a sniper and was quick scoping them. When he had cleared them all. He started walking towards the door when I saw one behind him. "BEHIND YOU!" I yell to him. He turns around and shoots it. I start unblocking the door. He walks inside and I thank him for saving me. "My name is ash, what's yours?" I ask him. "Max," he replies simply. I nod and start to warm up some beans. I hand him a can "here," he takes them and looks at me "thanks." I nod. We spent all night talking and we became friends. He told me he was looking for his little sister. Her name was Mack. I told him how I was looking for Adam. I later met his sister. Well her dead body. That night was spent comforting Max. We have been inseparable ever since.
---------------flash back end--------------
"Ash?" Max asks waving his hand I front of my face. "Sorry, I was just thinking about how we met," I say, looking at him. He nods understanding. Nick tells us him getto and ak are going to look for another entrance. Max and I were going to push through the front. I was slightly worried but didn't say anything and went across the street. I climbed up the vines on the wall and started shooting the walkers. I look around concerned if Max was ok. I see him a little ways away on the top of the building, sniping the walkers. I continue to shoot until we cleared them all. We head inside and find some medical supplies. We meet up with the guys again after. We head back to the White House to find that shark was cooking again. Yum. After we eat. I head to the room with Max and we fall asleep. That night I had a nightmare.

I wake up and see Max is already up. I walk in the kitchen to find everyone sitting at the table. "Hey guys," I say waving at them. They look at me with looks of disgust. "Eww who let her in?" Ak asked. "I don't know but I know that she is ugly and a waist of space," getto continued. " yea she is fat and no one will ever like her," nick continued. Shark. was sitting there nodding. But what hurt the most was when Adam started to speak, "She is so ugly I can't believe she is even my sister." Then Max just added salt to the wound. "She is just a waste of space and she is so fat no one will ever love her," that was all I could take. I burst out crying. I ran into my room.

-----------------dream end----------------
I wake up sweating and crying. Max jolts awake and sits up asking me what's wrong. I tell him about the dream an what everyone said. He tells me that they would never say something like that. I nod laying back down with my head on his chest. "I love you," he tells me "I love you too," I say. I fall asleep to the sound of Max's heart beat an him playing with my hair. I wake up to the sun shining through my window an Max holding me to him, tightly. I smile and snuggle closer into his side. He tightens his grip and I kiss his lips. He kisses back and we pull away. God I love him. I lay my head in the crook of his arm and fall back asleep, humming the words to ghost

I am happy with Max. I love him and he loves me. So let me rephrase that. We are happy.

Hey guys what's up ash here and this chapter is good in my opinion so yea. This chapter is 1039 words.

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