Chapter 7- IndyPopCon Day1

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Sean's POV

I was rushed through the doors by security. I knew it was necessary, however it always broke my heart. rather call them community members. It was still strange that me, Sean McLoughlin had fans even after doing this a few years.Anyways meeting the people was my top highlight at these conventions and it warmed my heart to see them all smile just be able to meet me.

This time I especially wanted to stay and chat. I had seen the most remarkably beautiful girl close to the front of the crowd. She had waste length silky dark brown hair. She was wearing black framed glasses...a weakness of mine. She had sparkling golden brown eyes behind those glasses that Im pretty sure I saw a tear come from. She had smiled none the less. Her smile was amazing and I could have sworn our eyes had met. It had been a while since I had someone catch my eye like that. And even this woman seemed to be the most mezmerizing I had ever seen. Not even my ex-girlfriend Signe, although beautiful in her own right wasnt that kind of pretty. Her and I were just friends now as we had decided to part ways due to our careers, scheduling and timing. It had been difficult for us to remain a couple. Things had ended on a peaceful note fortunately,and we were much better off as friends now.

I wondered to the back of the convention area where all of the guests were to be until we were allowed to walk the convention on floor. I was reflecting on the woman I had just left outside amongst the crowd, I was suddenly aware of a deep voice calling my name. "Hey Sean!" I looked up to see Mark and the freshly arrived Wade motioning over to where they were talking. "Hey guys!" I said as I approached them with arms opened for hugs for my friends. It had been a while since we had seen each other. "Hows life been Jack?" Wade asked in the middle of the hug. "Ya know same old, same old. Recording and staying busy. But I am so pumped for this convention! Been awhile since my last one." I replied.

Just then a security staff member approached all of us, giving us instructioms and letting us know the VIP pass holders would be let in momentarily. That beautiful woman must have been a pass holder! I hope so dearly, because I really wanted to see her again.

All of us received an Itinerary and I scanned it in hopes of having multiple signing opportunities while I was here in Indiana. I was ready to meet more of my community and to hear the stories they wanted to tell me......and give HUGS. I loved these people to bits. And maybe, just maybe I would meet the nameless beauty that my eyes had just looked upon....

Nikki's POV

Bree and I had just entered the building. We saw a sign that read "VIP pass holders this direction" with an arrow pointing to the right. We followed the sign walking down the hallway when we found a table. There was event staff sitting at a table. Bree and I both received special colored wrist bands and a tote bag filled with goodies. A nice smiling gentleman spoke to us. "If you need anything at all find one of us in a VIP volunteer shirt. We are here to help you with anything you might need. We also can direct you to the VIP lounge where we have refreshments and bottled water if you need it." We both smiled at the guy and I said "Thank you so much" as we gathered our totes and continued walking.

We walked down a little ways more until we were in front of a large door that was open. Looking inside all you could see were hundreds of booths and table set up. Cool things to check out on games and entertainment and such. I pulled out the Itinerary to see what the first thing we might like to do for the day might be. I then noticed something exciting. "Boo Boo! Looks like there is gonna be a panel today with ALL of them!" I exclaimed. Bree looked at me with excitement..."Yay!" is all she said as she was still taking everything in. We continued to walk around as other VIP holders were starting to file into the convention area.

We stopped at some booths and tried out some games. We were having a blast. We rounded a corner and someone bumped into me. As I was looking up to politely say "Excuse me" I had to readjust my focus. It was Mark! "No excuse me! That was my fault! Are you ok?" I felt like I could barely speak..."Yea! Absolutely!" I exclaimed in to high of a pitch. All Bree could do was stare....she was once again completely speechless. "Ok, good. You guys having a good time this morning? Check any cool games out yet?" I was starstruck and could not believe I was holding a conversation with Markiplier. "We havent checked out a ton but that game was pretty cool." I pointed towards where Bree and I had just left, failing at the moment to remember the name of the game. I felt like a brain was malfunctioning on me. I knew Bree and I both had huge grins on our faces and couldnt stop staring. "Awesome!" Mark broked the awkward silence and said " Well I will probably see you around some more since you are VIPs....Im off to meet up with some of the other guys....You guys coming to the panel at 11:30?" I finally blinked and said "Wouldnt miss it for anything." " Good, well have fun guys!" Mark said as he started to walk away....Some other people stopped him not to far away, and I finally took my first breath after what seemed like ages. Bree was staring at me.."How were you able to speak? I couldnt even move!" she exclaimed. I just giggled and grabbed her arm so we could continue on to the next booth.

After about an hour we noticed it getting more and more crowded realizing the doors were now open to everyone else. I checked the time. We only had 40 minutes to find out were the room the panel was to take place in..........

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