Chapter 15- Seperation Anxiety

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*Sean's POV*

Walking away from Nikki, seeing her standing alone as I walked away from her was the most heart breaking thing I had ever seen. I watched as tears ran down her cheeks from behind her glasses. She was trying to smile, but I could see straight through her attempts. I finally had to turn around. Partly to watch where I was walking, but mostly because I could feel the heat of the tears in my own eyes stinging there way out. I had to choke them down. I needed to hold it together. I could do this.

As I reached the entrance of the plane a stewardess greeted me with a smile, handing me the in-flight goody bad with earphones and random things. I took the bag and found my seat. Thankfully it was right next to a window. I pulled out my iPad and plugged in my own headphones. I pulled up some of my recently downloaded movies so I could start my marathon for the 10 hour flight home. I then pulled out my phone.....I had taken a picture of Nikki while she slept. I hadn't told her. I opened my photo album and tapped the picture with my finger to enlarge it. I instantly placed it on my background and lock screen. God was she beautiful. Her eyes were closed peacefully and the dark stray curls of her hair laying softly around her face. She really didn't know how gorgeous she was....she had some confidence about her but not enough to make her see what I saw. I found all of the things she found as flaws to be precious.

I lifted up my sleeve to wipe a tear away that had escaped my eye. My nose caught the scent she had sprayed on me....I inhaled deeply as if I was taking my first breath of desperately needed oxygen. Am I in love with her? Could it be possible? After 2 days? Holy shit! I am! I am so in love with her...... It all hit me like a ton of bricks. I was unabashedly, without a doubt in love with this woman. More tears started flowing. I couldn't hold them in. I put my hand to my chest as I realized I was leaving my heart here with her..... I was surprised with myself. I was used to long distance relationships. They weren't ever easy, but I never had felt this empty leaving someone before. And we weren't even a couple.....

"Welcome to Aer Lingus , I will be your pilot for the duration of this flight from Indianapolis to Dublin, Ireland. Please everyone fasten your seatbelts and enjoy your flight." the pilot said over the intercom. A stewardess came out and did her safety presentation. I knew the run down ready. I fastened my seatbelt and immersed myself into my movie trying to calm my mind, and prepared for liftoff. This was going to be the longest flight of my life.

*Nikki's POV*

The 2 and half hour drive home felt more like fifty million years. I stopped at a gas station half way through to get a coffee and something to eat. I had checked my phone. One new message. It was my best friend Jessie.

Jessie: Hey! What are you up to?

Me: Driving home from Indy.... I have lots of life updates to talk to you about!

Jessie: Yea? Indy PopCon that exciting?

Me: You have no idea Jess! I'm gonna reach Dayton before I hit home mind if I stop by? It's gonna be kinda late....

Jessie: You know I will be can stop by here anytime anyways duh!

Me: Ok, be prepared for the story of a lifetime.

We didn't text anymore for the rest of my journey. I finally made it to Jessie's house. I knew she would be supportive of my emotions, and I really needed it badly. I was a mess. Falling more apart by the second.

I opened the door to her house and walked to her bedroom and laid on her bed. Her boyfriend was working that night thankfully which meant I could crash in in bed beside her. I was to exhausted physically and emotionally to move.

"So what's this life changing stuff?" Jessie said pausing the Netflix show she had been watching. " do you remember why I went to Indy PopCon?" I asked her. "Yea to see that Irish dude you have been in love with. So did you meet him? Did you get that hug you wanted? Did you grab his ass like I suggested?" Jessie said giggling and making a upward grabbing motion mimicking grabbing someone's butt. " There was no ass grabbing....perv. But things definitely happened" I responded.

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