His home

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It was beautiful. The most beautiful yard and architecture I had ever seen. The Conners' mansion was huge! The yard was spacious and green. The stone steps led to the mansion that touched the sky. I craned my neck to see the windows of the four story house as I stood planted on the stone path before me.

It felt like a whole new world. Everything was always dark, grey; night. It was always a mystery, confined in a white magnum that had become familiar in such a way that it had become a part of Tyler that I feared. This mansion seemed so spacious, so beautiful; like a breath of fresh air. This place seemed quite the opposite of the foreboding feeling emanating throughout Tyler's car when he was in it with me.

As my eyes scanned the bright property before me, I couldn't help but let a small smile spread across my face. I wanted to run on the big green lawn of grass, I wanted to spin around, lay in the cool grass, all the while warmed by the hot sun. I wanted to be a little girl again, so little that a protective, loving man can swoop me into his arms and hold me tight as he embraced my giggles with a smile as warm as the sun above us, just like my father did.

This was Tyler's home.

The paint on the house was lavender purple outlining the sky blue that covered the whole structure. To match the house, purple tulips stood at lovely attention in a thin garden around the perimeter as if it were a skirt.

I heard birds chirping, I tasted fresh air.

This was Tyler's home...

I kept thinking it as I turned around so much I got dizzy, but never tired of seeing this place. It was like a fairytale, something out of a storybook that only started with Once upon a time... Just as I thought things couldn't get worse, I had a feeling things would gets a bit better; at least for a little while. That would be enough.

Nobody but me took this as a big deal. As Domonique, Zac and Tyler unloaded the car, I was lost in thought. They had refused and even forbade my help, so I took all the breath I could from this beautiful home that shared its light with me.

"Yeah, the second floor in the guest room by the library..." I heard Zac confirm a fragment of a sentence before I couldn't stand it anymore.

A light giggle escaped me as I couldn't hold it in. I kicked off my black, lacy flats and ran freely through the grass, spinning like the ballerina I used to dream about being when I was a child in dance class. My blond hair waved and reached out, stretching as the sun cascading through every strand, making it look white for a split second.

Stopping in the middle of the lawn, a smile spread wide across my face, I realized the two by the Pontiac G6 were staring bewildered at me; except Tyler, who just seemed to observe me with an eyebrow raised and a bit of a glint in his eyes I couldn't understand and tried not to because I wanted to clear my mind of worry.

Sighing, with a smile resting on my face, I fell back and lay in the grass. I just wanted to lie there and pretend it was an endless field of no worry. I wanted to pretend I was someone that didn't exist, didn't matter. I just wanted to be the ghost that resided around the beauty of the earth, whispering secrets through the wind blowing within the meadows.

A shadow cast over the bright sun, causing me to squint. I shielded my face from the peaking sunlight and saw Tyler looming over me. I sighed, knowing the moment was over and he helped me up. As I brushed off the grass, he waited and I suddenly had a minor headache from standing up too fast.

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