Chapter Ten: Run

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I noticed that the place looked a lot more like an empty parking lot than a real building, maybe it's because the lack of walls that hide the outside view from inside the building.

As I got inside and ran inside, I quickly sprinted up the staircase. When I got to the second floor I ran forward and searched for a place to hide. There wasn't lot a lot of stuffs inside except construction items. I saw bricks, a lot of them. Cement, construction tool. Maybe this is an unfinished building?

Suddenly I heard noises coming from behind me.

As soon as I looked back, there was demon just a few inches below the ceiling, flying like some sort of ghost. Hell, I never even saw ghost, but all I know is that ghost can't kill people -demon can.

I turned on the end of the place, taking my left, I quickly hid behind a big stack of bricks. Kneeling down on one feet, praying silently, I really wished they won't find me.

And for the next 5 minutes, I was actually starting to think that the demons really go away since I could hear no sounds except my own silent breathing.

Taking a deep breath, I dared myself to got out of my hiding place.

Carefully walking out, it almost felt like the creature was finally gone for good. Even so, I still feel like something is watching me somewhere. Darting my eyes around the empty place, I could only see no sign of the creature.

Walking still.

Suddenly something jumped down in front of me, making me abruptly to took a few steps backwards. The demon stood tall in front of me, and I finally got to see its face clearer. Skinny and old, its skin was grey and its eyes were black with with no other color in it. Its sketch was sharp, murderous.

Cursing under my breath, I quickly took Heosphoros out of my weapon belt and grabbed the handle tightly as its black gold shining beautifully even from the very little moonlight. Looking intensely at the nightmare in front of me, I did the last thing I really wished to do in the moment. I fight.

I swung my sword into the creature swiftly, hearing its metal sound fling -cutting the thin air. Its blade gone deep under the demon skin, giving it a deep scratch and giving me a loud painful scream from it.

Stepping back, the hideous thing suddenly launched at me, kicking my right in my stomach. I feel backwards hard, holding my stomach in pain. I tried to stand up, but just as I was about to, the demon was already in front of me. It caught my leg and threw me across the room. I crashed the wall hard, feeling the pain washed through all part of my body.

And in the moment I could hardly even move. But even if it was a torture to get my body going, I still tried my best to stand up.

The demon approached me slowly, taking its time. As if it already knew I couldn't go anywhere.

But just as I thought the demon was about to launched at me, the demon suddenly let out a dreadful scream. It was so loudly that it made my head spinning. I watched carefully as I heard a sound of sword pulled from its skin and, not a while later, the demon was thrown into the side, crouching in agony with loud shriek on the floor before it slowly shrinking, and not too while, it disappeared leaving small pool of blood.

In front of me was Alec Lightwood, looking at me with worried, yet hard look. Even if I could see a relived look in his eye, I know he was clearly not happy, that's for sure. His jaw was clenched tightly as he approached me, his breathing was hard but still, somehow, managed to look at ease.

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