The box

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A savory aroma filled the room. Ava sat at the table, but first helped her younger sister Sierra strap into her height chair. Elizabeth finished plating the food. As she walked to the wooden table, she was careful not to step on her dangling apron printed with colorful flowers on a black background. Ava couldn't help but stare at her, admiring the long curly brown hair that crowded her soft baby face. She wore a neutral brown lipstick and had the longest eyelashes complimented by a golden eyeshadow. Ava picked up her rubber spoon, and began to eat the pocky portion her mother gave her. Sierra made a mess, as she typically does, beating her arms down on the hard plastic where her food lies. Ava and her mother laugh. "How was school today?" Liz (Elizabeth) says. "It was ok, momma. I made you something!" Ava replies. "Oh really? what did you make?" "I'll show you momma." Ava excuses herself from dinner, proceeding to her room. First she makes sure to lock the door behind her. In front of the door is her bed to the right. A night stand is on the left of it, sitting next to a small desk. A warm light shines through the window on the left side of the room. Directly next to the door is her closet with sliding doors. She lays on the floor, lifting up the blue cloth that hangs over the bed. Ava moves the junk lying beneath, searching near the Mint green wall. A chest lies there, unknown by the rest of the family. Her body is 3/4ths of the way under, wiggling and struggling to retrieve the dark brown square shaped chest, with a half cylinder lid finished by a golden lock. She drags it out, for it is heavy. Then Ava slyly walks to her desk. She uses her body weight to push the desk away from the wall. The sandy colored carpet was beginning to rip up just in the corner where the desk once was. Once moved Ava pulled the carpet up a bit more. A key lies there. It was old fashioned looking, with the paint beginning to chip off. She snatched it up, swiftly putting everything back how it was just incase anyone were to see the hiding spot. Ava inserted the key into the lock. She twisted it four times to the right, and once to the left. The box creaked as she opened it. Inside lies another box. It is much smaller and has all flat sides in a rectangle shape. A lock is located on the bottom. It is not a key, but a password with sliding wooden pieces. Surrounding the box are much less important papers and belongings. A drawing for Ava's mother is stacked on the very top. *avas mom knocks on the door* "you alright in there? Why is the door locked?" Ava quickly grabs the drawing for her mother and locks the heavy box. She slides it in the closet to save time.

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