entry uno

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dear diary,

dis is the TRUE STORY of the Real Liam Peen.  

Everyone thinks its an easy life but it aint.  Really it aint.  You gotta worry about bitchez touching you and you acidenally slidding out infront of paps.  It aint easy.  I cant even be happy either unless Zen is around. :)  his tender touches feel soo good doe.


anywayz.  Dis aint an easy job

you try to find boxers that'll tame the beast that is me.  I dont like being tamed.  i wanna show myself off all the time but Liam hides me in does skinny a$$ jeans of his.  mmm mm no boy.  do u know how uncomfoatble dat iz?? are you squished and hot 24/7? Didint think so.  But im free rn

Zen is here

Im really happy today

the fans call us Ziam

i call us 'the moans in the night'

it sounds more accurate

bc it is

so if u hear moans in the night

Its me.

in Zen.

love da one and only,

                                 10 inch :)

This is the diary of the Real Liam PeenWhere stories live. Discover now