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The whole pack howled and barked happily at the sight of the large healthy buck. The pack had fallen under hard times, and the buck has certainly cheered the air up. 

I wish it could always be like this. Happy, no fear or even starving. It's just so perfect. Cloak thought happily. "Alpha, I say we give credit not just to me, but also Stag, Moss, and Palisade, for helping to bring down this buck. I did not do this alone." he said humbly. 

Alpha nodded his respect. Beta smiled and howled. "Let all the wolves come, for now, prey is available!" Alpha licked his mate. 

Cloak and Moss happily trotted in. With Palisade close behind with her mother, Diamond. "Mother, do you think Father is okay up with the Great Grey?" she whispered.

Diamond licked her daughters face. "I am sure Slash is okay. He was a good wolf, and nothing he did was worth the death he suffered." 

Palisade licked her mother's face again and gave a weary smile. "Thank you, mother." Diamond looked up at Alpha and Beta, who were eating 3 mice each. 

Alpha stepped away and nodded at Stag, the highest ranking wolf in the pack besides Alpha and Beta. He stepped forward and took a large chunk out of the deer. Then, he backed away. 

Next Diamond stepped forward, and took a squirrel and half a leg back. As the list went on, Moss scented something. Something that was not usually smelled during a feed. 

The grey wolf yowled in fear, causing every wolf to stare. Moss howled into the night. Alpha calmed him down. "Moss, what are you doing?" he growled. 

He looked at his Alpha in fear, then barked something that made every wolf's fur stand on end.

"I smell Night Pack wolves!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2016 ⏰

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