
19 1 0
  • Dedicated to chloe ramsden

“OH MY GOD!” Cries a lady just down the street. More people come running out of their houses. I can’t believe what is going on. I just killed a man. This is the last thing I need. A crowd.

“He’s dead! You killed him!” cries a teenage boy running up the street.

“NO!no,no,no,no,no,no! I didn’t mean to I…” I panic. I look around me to see who else is coming. A woman and a child about 4 years old walked out of their house.

“Mommy? What happened to daddy?” tears come to my eyes. The Mother replies,

“I don’t know sweetie. I don’t know.” The child starts to cry. My heart skips a beat when I hear the sirens. Someone has called the police. Wake up Jahlia. Wake up!

Everything goes blurry for a second. That is when I realise I haven’t been breathing……

Jahlia with a secretWhere stories live. Discover now