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 I take a long deep breath. I look up to see two police men standing front of me, one is holding a note pad the other has handcuffs.

“Did you kill this man?” He asks me with a stern look. I don’t know what to say.  I can’t bring myself to lying. I look away to look at the man I just killed.

“i…..i believe so” I say through tears. I feel their tight hands grasp my arms and pull me up to standing.  The police man with the handcuffs pushes me to the car and hand cuffs me.

“Please! I didn’t mean to I …….” I knew it wasn’t going to work but I said it anyway.

“ What is your name?” says one police man. Should I tell the truth? Yes if not I will be in some deep shit.

“uh….Jahlia” I say hesitantly. The policeman scowls at me.

“Jahlia what?” he asks me never smiling.

“uh…Stanley, Jahlia Stanley” I hear more sirens. Huh? I am that bad that they need backup? Then I realise it is the ambulance I watch as they take the man away.

“what is your phone number?” asks the other police man.

“I…..i can’t remember” I say worried.

“where do you live?” asks the other policeman slightly concerned.

“i….i can’t remember” I say again hesitantly.

“But it is somewhere up that road.” I turn and point my head in the direction of my house . That is when I get the shock of my life. My mom is standing outside the marked barrier. She shakes her head and runs off.

“ Wait! That is my mom!” one policeman runs after her. I realise I had dropped my phone outside the barrier but now it isn’t their I can still see mom running she still has my phone.

Jahlia with a secretWhere stories live. Discover now