{bucky} of heroes and pacifiers

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Of Heroes and Pacifiers

"Longing, rusted, furnace, daybreak, seventeen, benign, nine, homecoming, one, freight car."

The energy in the room quickly changed. His head snapped up.

"Ready to comply."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"I'm going to repeat this one more time. Let. Me. Go."

Natasha Romanoff simply looked down at the young woman in pity.

"I already told you Shauna. He isn't the one you think he is right now. It's better for you and the little one's safety."

She glanced at her stomach as the assassin gripped both of her arms.

As soon as Natasha heard about the breach, she found the pregnant woman and restrained her from finding her husband.

The Winter Soldier, James Buchanan Barnes.

"Desperate times call for desperate measures."

Shauna kicked Natasha's knee and ran.

Five minutes and a lot of searching later, Shauna stumbled upon her husband fighting Tony Stark.


Neither men spared her a glance.

The two men went at it for a while until Stark was thrown into a table.

Bucky started walking off.
Frantically, she made possibly the worst decision possible.
She ran forward and grabbed his wrist.

She yelped as a shot of pain surged  through her arm as he spun around to force her against the nearest wall.

The blue eyes that stared into hers were no longer calm, like she was used to.

Instead, they were narrowed and fierce.

"Bucky, at least recognize me. Us."

He followed her gaze to her swollen belly.

A flash of confusion was gone as soon as it came, when he was pulled off her.

A now even, angrier Winter Soldier grabbed the Iron fist thrown at him and twisted it behind Stark's back and threw him into a wall knocking him out.

He turned towards Shauna and took a step towards where she was standing.

"Sir. Stop where you are and step away from the woman."

Seemingly coming from nowhere, the police held their guns out.

Bucky grabbed her arm and pulled her to his chest. He pulled them around to face the officers.

"Don't touch her."

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